bring him back

18 4 0

she took away the parts of you
that makes you who you are,
you've changed so much,
i no longer see the man you once were,
nobody sees him anymore.

we miss him,
we miss his goofy grin and
the way he use to laugh,
we miss the kindness he held
in his heart even though he
wanted to be seen as a hard ass instead,
we miss his silly side and how lighthearted
he once was but now he's lost
and we can't find him.

as sad as it may seem,
people think it's okay to give up
on the souls that have lost there way,
but we won't give up on you
because we are here to stay.

we want to bring the old you back,
but how can we do it when she's
locked him away, hiding the person
he was born to be?

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