lost love

21 7 0

the thing with you is that
i can't get you out of my head.

once we kissed i never wanted to kiss anyone else again.

when we hugged, the embrace of another could not even begin to compare.

the memories play over and over
in my head like a movie scene.

pulling away from a kiss to see
your beautiful and comforting grin.

the feeling of your arms wrapped so
tightly around me making me feel
like I was finally where i belonged.

the way you'd kiss me then move my
hair gently away from my face with
your fingertips.

i always loved when you did that.

and when your hands would roam my body,
i always wanted more but
i was to scared to say it.
even though it is only you that i trust
with my body.

now, it's too late.

The Girl Who Weeped Like A Willowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें