
Lorie snaps her eyes open, determined to keep that way as she waits for her family to finish what they all started so many years ago. She had to stay strong. For them. For her kids.

And for once in her life, stay strong for herself.

The screams of the others alert Pennywise and he crawls along the wall, meaning to cut them off in their sprint. Once the demon is close enough, he jumps to the group of eight, landing right in front of them. His sudden appearance makes everyone skid to a stop, yelling out in startled fear.

"You greedy, filthy children." he laughs out menacingly, stomping towards them, like a predator to its prey. Ben keeps his eyes trained on Pennywise, but keeps a firm grasp on Beverly's arm as he frantically speaks to Mike,

"What's our plan Mike? What the hell are we gonna do?" and Ben's question is answered, but not by Mike.

"You die, that's what you do! Just like Lorie!" he cackles hysterically for a moment before turning serious.

"All this time, I dreamt of you-of her. I craved her. I missed her. I've been waiting for this very moment for many many years!." He laughs and continues, this time staring Bill directly in the eye.

"I told you Billy, this wasn't over, that I would be back! I told you all I don't like sharing what's mine!" Pennywise growls, taking another step forward.

"Mike what do we do!?" Laycey trembles out to her husband. Mike stares at the clown, trying to think of a plan, when he remembered,

'There is more than one way to make someone small!' Lorie's voice echoes in his head.

"There is more than one way to make someone small!" Mike repeats, and then it clicks for the resident redhead.

"We have to make him believe that he is!" Beverly shouts. Laycey looks to her friend, to try to confirm what she actually said.


"Make it believe that he is!" Mike shouts. Pennywise grins,

"Oh, Me?" he leans down to the humans and glares.

"I am the eater of worlds!" the clown shouts with confidence, and moves one of his claws back to stab them when,

"Not to me you're not!" Mike shouts causing him to stop in his tracks. Pennywise stares at the humans blankly, almost as if he was confused about his next movements. The dark-skinned human sees him falter and continues,

"You're just a clown!"

The others pick up on what was going on and join in.

"You're a weak old woman!"

"A fucking imposter!"

"You're a fucking bully!"

"A headless boy!"

"A scrawny ass little bitch!"

"A weak cancer patient!"

"A fucking pussy!"


They shout and shout at the clown, making him shrink and stumble away from him, to the center of his lair. They close in on him still chanting until he is the size of a baby, too weak to hold himself up anymore.

"You are just a clown, with a scared beating heart." Eddie finishes through heaved breaths.

"Look at you all, so grown up." The clown coughs out looking at his defeat with slight respect. Mike crouches down in front of Pennywise and studies at him for a moment. The demon looks back at Mike with a shocking amount of emotion in his eyes. The wrinkled weak man looked remorseful for the first time in millennia.

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