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Lorie leans against Will's car, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't believe she said that to her fami-no those people. She now just exhausted and wanted to get home and forget this horribly overemotional day. And Lorie knew Will was going to be angry that she took that long to tell them. And she was going to get punished for it. Her night was far from over. The blonde looks at her phone to check the time once more.

"It typically doesn't take that long to grab car keys. I wonder what's taking so long?" She asks herself as she rubs her arms anxiously. 


At the very same time inside the hotel

Pennywise grin widens when he sees the Loser's Club try to hastily stumble away in horror, tripping over one another. Ben pulls Beverly behind him, shielding her trembling body with his. Pennywise sees this and chuckles darkly and with a snap of his fingers, Ben and Beverly collapse into a heap on the ground. The four men remaining conscious in the room saw this and froze in shock, unsure if he had just killed them or knocked them out.

"Don't worry. I haven't killed them. Not yet at least!" Pennywise tells them before falling into a fit of creepy loud laughter. When he sees the four men aren't laughing, he pouts in offense.

"Ohh come on! I can't be that bad! I mean I have been taking care of Lorie for over a year and she's perfectly fine!" The clown taunts with a low blow to the four boys mated to the girl in question. Bill flushes in anger, seeing nothing but his fists pounding into the fucking clown's face.

"Oh yeah, 'you took care of her' alright. She's got bruises all over her back, and I'm sure everywhere else has similar coloring! You hurt her!" Stan snapped. Pennywise laughed and raised his eyebrows.

"I never hurt her. Disciplined, yes I did do that. She was a very naughty lady. She needed the punishments." He laughed haughtily. Richie flushed in rage.

"Punishment?! She's a grown ass woman you- " Bill cuts him off, and finishes for him.

"You f-fucking bastard!" he roars in anger and lunges for the demon but Stan wraps an arm around his soulmate's waist, keeping Bill from signing his death sentence. Richie was wanting to kill Pennywise himself too but Eddie had a vice grip on his bicep.

"You leave her out of this!" Richie hissed glaring at the demon.

"You don't fucking touch her!" Eddie glares and Stan says nothing but glares with murderous intent.

"Now Now, no need for the hostility. I have been taking care of her! I have only laid a finger on that pretty pretty blonde hair when she deserves it! Ha!" he cackles loudly, before sighing.

"Anyway, well I should go take my Lorie home. You kids have a fantastic evening. I know we will be seeing each other very soon!" and then he turns to leave. The four men know that Lorie is going home with him, so they rush forward to go outside and grab her. Pennywise senses their approach and right after he passes the threshold of the hotel, he waves his hand, sending the four men into their minds, each plagued by personalized horrors that will last throughout the night.

He can feel them try and fight through his influence, which irritates him because he has to use more of his strength.

'This is why I stick to children. They are easier to subdue.' Pennywise pouts to himself as he leaves them still under his influence, quickly changing back into 'Will' and walks to his car where Lorie is waiting, mad that he couldn't do the bare minimum.

"Sorry, they had all gone to their rooms and I couldn't find them for a bit! They were stuck in between the couch cushions. Ha!" Will slightly smiles at the still sad and confused blonde pushing his anger away for a bit.

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