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Anywhere, Everywhere

It was said that Bacchus, the Roman God of Nature gave the first blessing to his youngest son when he found out that his son's soulmate was captured. The God gave his son the power to save his beloved, but at a grave warning.


Bacchus told his son to protect his love, yes. But to keep his heart of pure and good intentions.


The son brushed his warning aside, and ran in to save his wife. But he soon realized the power he wielded and grew arrogant and reckless. These were the reasons for his and his beloved's demise. They died right in front of each other, their pained eyes the last thing they see on this earthly plain.


And once the son made it to the other side, Bacchus was devastated his son gave in to temptation. And as a punishment, the power to love and protect was ripped away, not to be gifted for years after.


My time as a human took place in 1000 B.C. in what people know today as Rome. My name was Penn Wiser. I lived in a forest village outside of the main cities. Our people were considered to be servants of Nature, otherwise known as Bacchus. We had rituals we did to appease him in hopes of getting a blessing. 


My people knew the story of Bacchus and his son. They heeded the warning from the God and asked for the blessing to give a villager of good and of pure heart the power to protect others, and the forest as well. At first, times were harsh because He was angry we even asked for it.


But after much time, Bacchus relented. He gave it to one villager of his choosing to protect our people. But as time went by, it was determined that the blessing was very rare to get. Bacchus only gave it to one in every generation of us after the previous protector died. It was considered a great honor.


It was given to me once I turned 28 years old and honestly, I didn't want it. I was told how honorable this was, and how great it was, but I didn't want that kind of power or fame. I just wanted to have a quiet life with my love. Yes, I once had a soulmate, who I loved dearly. I remember the day I met her just like it was yesterday.


The day I met her was the day I was going to make a specific dinner for myself and my mother when I realized I needed more water than I had to cook. I grabbed my vase and walked to the local stream. I was almost there when my vision tinted gold and I saw her out of the corner of my eye.


I saw her sitting on the grass surrounded by flowers. She was beautiful, her skin kissed ever so slightly by the bright white sun, making her caramel skin almost glow. Her dark hair cascaded down her back in beautiful loose coils. Her eyes are a vibrant cocoa brown. Her figure was outlined by a bright white light. She looked angelic. I guess she felt my gaze because she looked right at me. We held eye contact for a few moments before I walked to her. 


Once I reached her, I stretched out my hand, and introduced myself.


"Afternoon Fair Maiden, my name is Penn. Penn Wiser." I grabbed her hand gently and kissed the back of her hand. She giggled, and it was like music to my ears. I had never heard anything more beautiful in my life. That was until I heard her voice, and her laughter was the second most beautiful thing in my life. 

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