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They all move down the steps to the basement, flashing their handheld lights around the old room to see if there was any sign of Pennywise. Ben settles his gaze on the crumbling stone well. He grimaces as all the memories of this place flood to him at once.

"A lot of memories here, hunh?" He asked rhetorically, before he continued.

"All bad." he mutters again quietly before finishing his descent down the stairs. The others follow closely behind. They all wince at the sight of the well too, the memories invading their mind unwillingly. They all lower down into the sewer and walk the path of the sewage tunnels like muscle memory. Which was great, because at this point they were on auto pilot. The stress was getting to them.

As they trudge deeper into the tunnels, the smell worsens, and the air gets thicker, the moisture making it harder to breathe easily. Each couple grip each other's hand tightly, flashlights flickering around as they hesitantly continue.

"Oh God!" Eddie gags as he drops down to a new tunnel after Richie, a heavy wave of sewage waste hits his nose. Beverly comes after him, Richie holding a hand out to offer her support.

"It's Gray Water." Bev surmises as she lands in the tunnel with a splash, murky water going everywhere. Ben is right behind her, and a very disgusted Laycey is next.

"Fucking hell this shit is gross. I swear to God if Cameron ever has a diaper bomb like this, Babe I'm sorry but you're on your own." The blonde calls to her husband behind her as she accepts Richie's outstretched hand. Mike rolls his eyes st his wife.

"I'd expect nothing less Blondie."

A little while later, the Loser's Club reached the entrance to the cistern. And standing on the threshold of that room sent all of them back in time, one of their last memories of  being in this place slicing through their mind.


Bill closes his eyes and collapses on the ground in devastation. His brother is gone, Lorie is gone. This whole thing was pointless. How could he have been so naïve? This was staring him right in the face, and even though all the signs pointed he still believed.

Ben, Beverly, Laycey and Mike go up to help them, their hearts hurting for the four. When Ben gets to Bill, he crouches down and pulls the numb boy into a hug. And as he's holding him, Ben notices something hanging out of a medium sized plastic box leaned up against the mountain. It looks like a deformed muddy stick, but upon further inspection, the object makes Ben pale. 

"Is that a hand sticking out of that toy box?" Ben breathes out, letting go of Bill to get closer. Bill furrows his eyebrows at it, but leans in as well. Everyone looks over to the two and follows their line of sight. They see the object and grow slightly worried. What if this was another trick? Beverly notices him getting closer to the object in question and rushes to him. 

"Ben, be careful! It could be Pennywise playing another trick on us!" She worries to Ben. 

Upon hearing this, Mike backs up, having had enough today. 

"Man, seriously?! The clown has taken all of my sanity today. I canNOT deal with the ghost of a dead person." he groans. Laycey laughs at him in adoration. 

"Awe! It's okay Mikey, I'm here to protect you!" she mocks playfully while pinching his cheek lightly. Mike pushes her hand away and glares at her antics, not finding any of this amusing. Ben pushes his hand forward to touch the dirty arm timidly. Upon the slightest of touches, the hand twitches slightly, but no sound is made. 

"Holy Shit! Guys the hand is moving!" Richie screams freaking out. 

Bill with the little bit of determination and energy he has left lifts the lid of the toy box, and out falls a body landing hard on the ground. 

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