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Later that night 

Mike Hanlon is sitting in his chair in his office dozing off. He decided to work the graveyard shift tonight, and has his police radio on for entertainment. But he was also listening for any crimes that would signal Pennywise's return. There have been a few incidents recently occurring that made him become more alert. And he didn't want to risk Laycey and Cameron, so he felt justified, despite Laycey telling him to drop this madness.

"All units, please respond. I'm getting reports that there is evidence of a dismembered body by the Derry Bridge." the dispatcher voices out. 

Laycey was so very wrong.

Mike's eyes snapped open at this. He looked to the police radio and listened intently for confirmation.

"I'm sorry, did you just say 'dismembered'?" 

"Affirmative, Scene is on the south side of the fairgrounds by the Sympox mural. Chief said to block off the Derry Bridge." This causes Mike's eyes to go wide, and he jumps up from his chair to look out to see the bridge, which could be seen from his office at the library. 

"Copy that, en route." Mike can see the flashing lights of the ambulance already on the scene, so he quickly grabs his coat and leaves for the crime scene. 

When Mike gets to the bridge, he walks along it slowly, to observe every little detail, and gets to the other end of the bridge when he notices something in the bushes. Mike walks closer to it and grabs it. The familiar color and words send chills down his spine.

It's an 'I Love Derry' balloon. 

He stares at it, all the memories of this blasting through his mind. Something catches his eye that cuts his train of thought short. He walks forward a little ways, and is horrified by the sight in front of him. 

The concrete slab that was once a beautiful mural was now deformed. Instead of the sweet kind faces of the children who were all of Pennywise's victims, they were the faces of decayed corpses. This brought tears to Mike's eyes. It was a sweet and sacred thing for the people of that era. And to see it defaced was horrifying. Mike moved his eyes over the mural and noticed that Ben's quote had been carved away. Instead, scrawled across the painting written in chilling penmanship out of what looked to be blood,

'I told you this wasn't over. I want her back. She's mine!'

Mike had confirmation now that Pennywise was back. This was a message from the clown, about Lorie-about them. He wanted to get rid of the demon by himself, especially since he now knew how to. But he also knew couldn't take care of this by himself. Mike had to call everyone in. And that unfortunately included his wife, and her sister.

"Hey Bill, this is Mike. Yeah, Mike Hanlon. Listen, I think we have a problem- no actually we have TWO problems. He's back. And he wants her. And I know where she is. We've all got some explaining to do. How fast can you and the boys get here?"


Two Days Later

It's early in the morning, and Lorie just got everyone up for the day. Except Will of course, he needed his sleep. No exceptions. There would be consequences if you woke him up early. Lorie learned that lesson the hard way awhile back.

Robin was sitting on the floor at the coffee table, coloring. Jaxon was laying on the couch, still trying to wake up, and the twins who were trying to start walking were put in their walk around baby swing that had engaging toys on it.

Lorie herself was sitting at the kitchen table, She had just made herself a cup of coffee. The blonde was exhausted. She had spent the last twelve hours nursing her bruised body. Will had done a number on her the night before last into yesterday morning. He gave her a few hours break before starting it back up again. But Lorie never stopped him, because she deserved it. She needed to be punished.

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