"Well, I mean it. Babe, you're a beautiful, young, amazing, smart, funny, and just a plain out crazy girl nothing and no one could ever make me happier. The others are just stupid, and I mean everything I say to you right now. I love you, with everything in me." I said lifting her chin up so I can look into her gorgeous blue eyes.

"I love you too." She replied wrapping her arms around my neck to kiss me again.

"Okay, we should get walking. I wonder what Alyssa and Niall are doing right now.." I said as we started to walk in whatever direction.

"Who knows, but now I wonder as well."

-Mean While- *Alyssa's P.O.V.*

"Hey Niall, do you know where we are going?" I questioned as we were walking.

"Nope, but I am just trying to find a building so we can get some help." He answered.

"Uggggggh. My feet hurt!" I whined.

"Again? Do you have feet problems?" Niall laughed.

"Hey! That was one time and it was because I was in like four inch heels." I said in defence.

"I know, I know."

"But seriously, they huuuuuuuuuurt." I whined again.

"Do you want to jump on my back?" He said with a cute smile.

"No, it's okay." I said looking down.

"Why not?" He asked with a slight frown.

"Because... I'm too heavy." I answered, still looking down.

"Babe, look at me." He said lifting my chin with his finger.

"What?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"You are perfect. You're an amazing and beautiful girl. Don't let anyone EVER tell you anything different. If anyone ever tries to tell you something different, they're obviously blind and stupid. Listen to me because everything I'm saying is 100 percent true. I love you Alyssa Marie Whiteman; and I'm glad I can call you mine." He said as he leaned down and genitally planted a kiss on my lips.

At that moment we heard a faint scream coming from somewhere in the forest.

"What the hell!?" I screamed.

"It sounded like Lou!" Niall screamed back.

"We gotta find them!" I screamed, getting a little scared. Why did he scream? Are they in trouble?

"Let's go." He said as he pushed me forward a bit. We walked a little bit towards the car. There was a noise, the bushes were moving.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Niall ready to jump into his arms.

"Yeah. It sounded like something is in the bushes. It's okay, it's probably just the wind." He replied.

More rustling.

"Niall, this is freaky shit. I'm sca-" I started but was cut off.

"RAWR!" Louis and Josey both screamed, jumping from behind the bush.

"HOLY F*CK!" Alyssa screamed as she fell over from jumping. "YOU MADE ME FALL ASSHOLES!"

"I'm so sorry Ally-poo!" Josey screamed and helped her up.

"Shut up!" I yelled back.

"Did you just call her Ally-poo?" Louis asked trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, Got a problem bro!" Josey yelled as she threw her hands up in the air ghetto style.

Louis' Secret Sister (One Direction Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now