"So, how much do you know?"

She asks, seeing how Michelle's smile disappears.

"I'm not sure what..."

She starts to say, and Skye can see how she turns her attention towards Evgenia.

"She knows the basics at least. So, tell me, what do I owe the pleasure of you coming to visit us today?"

Evgenia asks, turning the conversation around on her, making Skye roll her eyes.

"Well, I was in the neighbourhood, I thought I droop by for a visit."

Skye answer and the look Evgenia gives her this time around, makes Skye roll her eyes.

"Well, what I'm about to tell you, you can either tell Zari or keep it to yourself."

Skye starts to explain, which makes Evgenia look quite interested.

"I presume my sibling have told you what I have been up to recently?"

Skye asks, Evgenia nods her had at this.

"Well, thanks to this work, I was picked up by a team that my mother is part of."

"Wait... you're spending time with Qiaolian?"

Evgenia asks and Skye can see that she doesn't fully believe her in this, which makes Skye smile.

"Yes, we are connecting once more. It's quite nice to be spending time with her once more. I didn't realise how much I have missed her until I was face to face with her once more."

Skye explains, feeling a smile grow. It's the first time that she has actually admit it to anyone. She is quite sure Maria has figured this out before, but it's a different thing to say it out loud. Seeing the warm smile Evgenia gives her, makes Skye smile even more.

"It's actually thanks to her that I am here. We needed to do some shopping and she made sure to put things on the list that can only be brought across the street. The people she sent me with are in there shopping what we need. But, by this time they are probably arguing over what to get."

Skye adds, looking at her watch to make sure how long she has been in the studio.

"Have you spoken to my sister recently?"

"Which one? You have three."

Hearing this, Skye's smile turns into a grin, only Evgenia and Zari would make this comment. Then again, it's only Evgenia, Zari, herself and her siblings that knows the full story behind that comment.

"Ali, I'm planning on taking the things she has left in her locker. I need to start dancing again."

Skye explains, finally jumping down from the receptions desk.

"The things should be there."

She informs which makes Skye nod her head, giving Michelle a wink, Skye heads for the changing room, finding Natasha's locker, she opens it without a problem and starts taking out what she needs. Looking through her own locker she grabs what she needs in there before heading back to the front room. Seeing that Evgenia has taken her jacket, Skye lifts an eyebrow at this.

"We need some lunch."

Evgenia explains her silent question, making Skye shake her head. Knowing what she is doing, she smiles. At least Natasha would be very happy to learn about this. Turning to look at Michelle, Skye can see she's talking to someone on the phone, waving, Michelle waves back before she starts working on the computer.

"Alright, let's move!"

Skye tells Evgenia who moves to open the door. As they step outside, Skye grabs hold of Evgenia who looks at her out of surprise.

"I might as well inform you that you will hear things being said, just play along and call Maria later to get the full story."

Skye tells her in a low voice, she can see worry in Evgenia eyes, the woman nods her head either way. Happy for now, they start to walk once more. Not a single word is being said between them as they enter the store, looking around herself, Skye tries to figure out where Simmons and Fitz are when she hears a faint sound of arguing. Nodding her head towards the direction, she starts to walk, Evgenia following her.

Walking around one of the corners, Skye comes to a stop and shakes her head, seeing how Simmons and Fitz are arguing over what cereal to get. Standing there for a few seconds, listening to them, Skye takes a deep breath before she starts to walk towards them.

"Alright, that's enough!"

She says to her surprise, Simmons and Fitz stops arguing and turns their attention towards her.

"What are you two arguing about now?"

She asks, already having a feeling what it can be.

"We are just trying to figure out which cereals to get."

"And we need to take into count that Ward doesn't like any of the once we pick."

Fitz and Simmons explain, making Skye rolls her eyes, she had been right in her guess then. It always comes down to Ward.

"I saw that list, Ward didn't put down anything that he wants for himself, he only added the things we all eat that is out. Besides, he can't say he didn't know we are doing the shopping round, both May and Coulson informed us all, twice. So, if he wants something he like, he better start writing down exactly what he wants or do the shopping himself."

Skye tells them, crossing her arms in the progress. She can see how Simmons and Fitz eyes grows in surprise at this and beside her, she can hear Evgenia laugh lightly. Turning her head to look at the woman beside her, Skye lifts one eyebrow once more.

"And what are you laughing about?"

"Oh, you sound like your older sibling."

"Which one?"

"Definitely not Francis at least."

Smiling at this, Skye nods her head.

"Sounding like either Ali or Ria, I can live with that."

Turning to look at Simmons and Fitz, Skye rolls her eyes.

"This is Evgenia, she used to be my dance instructor."

She explains, seeing how Simmons and Fitz waves their hands as a hello, Evgenia nods her head.

"Well, I should leave you to it. Make sure you come and say hello more often."

Evgenia tells Skye who nods her head before giving the older woman a hug.

"And make sure to say hello to May for me."

Evgenia whispers in her ear, making Skye nod her head once more. Letting to, Evgenia nods her head once more before walking away. Looking after her for a few seconds, Skye turns her attention back to Simmons and Fitz.

"Except for the cereal problem, do we have everything else?"

She asks and seeing how Simmons nods her head, Skye smiles, leading them towards the check out.


A few hours later, back on the BUS and with the large plane up in the sky. Skye finds herself moving silently towards the cockpit, opening the door carefully she looks inside to see that Melinda is alone. The older woman turns her head when she hears the door open and smile when she sees that it's Skye. Taking this as a welcome in, Skye enters the cockpit, closing and locking the door behind her to be on the safe side.

"Thank you, for today."

Skye says as she sits down in the cp-pilot seat, Melinda nods her head.

"Evgenia says hi, Zari was home sick. I also managed to take some of the stuff Natasha left behind and a few things left in my locker."

"Good, because we start training at 5 am."

Melinda informs her, making Skye's eyes grow large. She should have seen this coming, both the training and the time. She wants to complain, but knowing it wont help her, she nods her head. At least she will get to spend time with Melinda alone and do Tai Chi beside her. Things are going back to what they once were, and she is here for it all. 

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