𝑫𝑼𝑺𝑻 & 𝑮𝑶𝑳𝑫 (𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒖𝒔 𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒆)

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Arrows to Athens – Dust & Gold


I looked half-consciously around the dilapidated Shrieking Shack. I'm left here alone. Potter and his friends are probably on their way to the castle. The Dark Lord has gone to call his people and plan the attack.

I gave Potter my memories, which he should know, to have any chance to win the war. I helped him, but I'd rather say, that it's my duty because of Lily.

I was underrated by people when I was alive. Maybe they'll respect me at least after my death, what, delicately saying, I think I deserve after all I have done.

Maybe I showed my huge stupidity and rashness, but in later years I've been trying my best to redeem my sins.

After I'd just told the prophecy, which I've just got to know, The Dark Lord, I realised how huge mistake I've made. I tried to convince him, that it's not that boy, but He was too stubborn; He has made the decision.

Not so long later he came to her house and killed her and Potter senior. He tried to kill their son, but Lily saved him by her own love.

I was there literally one second too late. I hid behind the corner of the old stony building, only so that Lord wouldn't see me. After he disappeared with a bang of teleportation, I ran straight to her house, seeing nothing, because tears welling up in my eyes completely blurred my vision.

I opened the door with a strong wave. James Potter's dead body was liying at the threshold and in the child's room upstairs I found her dead body. In a cradle next to her was the crying child – Harry James Potter, a future hero.

I burst into tears. I was holding her dead body in my arms, knew, that I'll never see her again. I loved her and I still do. Even when she married James, I respected her decision. With a great difficulty I got up from the floor and left the building in the moment, that Hagrid entered.

That's when I really started to regret my decision. I was brave, going to the Godric's Hollow that night.

Just after I had told the prophecy to the Dark Lord, in aim to redeem my sin, I went to Dumbledore and begged him to keep her safe and that I'll do everything, what he wants, just to make sure that she'll stay alive.

My decision may seem senseless, but those days Dumbledore was one of the most respected person in the world. I used my cunningness in hope that I'll manage to save the person I love.

But Dumbledore didn't keep the promise, that he gave me. What's more, he took James' Invisibility Cloak away from him, so they couldn't hide. Decision of sudden change of sides proved, that I'm simple-hearted and capable of sacrifice and austerity.

A few days later I was in the family house of Blacks. Exactly in Sirius' btother's room – Regulus. I was there because he had Lily's photos. While I was searching for those photos, I brought his room to ruin so huge, that it looked like someone had broken into. I tore into misshapen half the picture that showed her and her husband with their child. On one half was she, and on the second her husband with their child. The half with her face I took to my place and to this day it stands in the honor place on the top shelf. I remained loyal to her, then and to the end of my life.

Eleven years later, when the boy with raven-black hair and a lightning-bolt scar came to Hogwarts, the actions took off again. I still had to stay loyal to Voldemort, but on the other side I had to keep Lily's son safe, what wasn't easy, when I and Voldemort were in the same castle.

On the first year I held him back from getting the Philosophers' Stone, what required a great difficulty, to don't make him realise, that I am not on his side. I showed my cunningness and bravery again.

ʜᴘ ~ sᴀᴅ ᴏɴᴇ sʜᴏᴛs||ᴇɴɢOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora