Chapter 1

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Hello loves,

First I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my book, Forever Yours. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Second, if this is your first time reading Forever Yours, this is book #2. You will definitely need to start with book #1 in order to understand the events of this book.

Third, this book will include the POV of Andre and Jaxon. I felt it's important for you to know how they are dealing with situations as they are presented.

Lastly, this book is going to take you through some dark tunnels that Tahleea and at times, Andre, will endure. Just like book one, this book is full of mature content.

Now that we're all on the same page, let's see what life has in store for our Forever Yours family.

Chapter 1

As I sit at my desk looking over a few contracts, my mind drifts and I reflect on all the things that have transpired within the last two years. Darah and Issac welcomed a baby girl and both of their parents have moved here which was a huge help for them. LaShae and Sean had another boy and he was born a day after Darah and Issac's baby.

Dre and I have continued to take a month-long vacation with our little man. Now three years old, he's grown so much and is very smart. Dre is finally comfortable with AJ going to daycare which of course isn't an ordinary daycare. They teach sign language, foreign languages , and they follow a math and English curriculum. It amazes me how much he's learned and retains.

I've also bought out two more investors, now only the ghost investor remains. I'm looking forward to the day that TDL Logics is completely mine. I've been able to pay myself a lucrative salary in which I invest in stocks as well as established my 401K. Dre and I have also set up a savings account for AJ.

My marriage is still going well. We love each other and don't hesitate to say it and show it. Dre loves to spoil me with the finer things in life, though he knows I don't care about material things. As long as I'm his one and only, I'm happy. Me and my crew continue to show our support to Dre by going to the home football games. Little man loves going out on the field after the game to throw the ball back and forth with his daddy. I've even traveled to a few away games.

Jaxon has been traveling here a lot due to my company's partnership with Northrup Grumman, so he purchased a house in Fort Worth. I was so excited when my boy BFF said he was purchasing a home here. He's helped me so much and I have to give him credit along with all of my employees for the success of my company.

With all the positive things that have happened, we were beyond ecstatic to find out I'm pregnant and having twins. A boy and a girl to be exact. I'm due to deliver in five weeks. Trying to eat enough with these two has been a struggle, but I've learned to meal prep and that has helped me stay on track.
Just like with AJ, family and friends have gone overboard with buying for the twins. A knock on my office door brings me back to the present.

"Come in." It was Jaxon. He walked in with a few more contracts that he and I were going to look over.

"Hey baby girl. Aren't you supposed to be working half days now? Darah and I can handle these contracts. You need to rest."

He's never stopped being concerned about me.

"I'm going home after we finish the contracts you have if that's ok with you?"

He laughed at my sassiness. "Is Dre already waiting on you, or do you need to call him before we get started?"

I told him I drove myself because Dre said he had several errands to run for his business with Ben. Jaxon offered to take me home, but I told him being pregnant doesn't affect my driving. We laughed and got right to business.

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