Chapter 13: Void&Stiles P.O.V.

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We arrive just passing the Welcome to Beacon Hills sign. I call out to the two sleeping wolves "Rise and Shine sleepy heads! Wakey, Wakey eggs and bacy!! 

I swear if you make me sing!!" I look in the mirror looking for any sign of them waking. I see absolutely . . . . nothing. . . Great. 

~~Stiles Mind~~

I hear Void "Why don't you sing loud and horrible on purpose, if that doesn't work honk the horn then sing again like this you honk the horn Ohhhhh it's a beautiful morning to be awake if you waste the day it will come back with a vengeance it will eat you whole not thinking twice. Etc., etc. What do you think." I think saying to him "That plan isn't half bad."

~~Real World~~

I start singing obnoxiously loud and horrible but to my surprise it doesn't even stir them. Last resort I honk the horn not caring if it worked. 

I had to go this far I'm going to make them beg for mercy. . . . . With my torture method being . . . . . My voice. I start singing "Ohhhhh WAKE UP WAKE UP ITS TIME TO WAKE UP. WAKE UP SCOTT WAKE UP DEREK IT WAKE TIME!!!!! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!! NOW!!!!!"

I make sure to use the fox when I said now and that woke them up feeling them being deeply unsure and worried

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I make sure to use the fox when I said now and that woke them up feeling them being deeply unsure and worried. Scott then asks with concern and worry "What the hell was that? Whatever it was it sounds horrifying." 

I start to crack up, but I can't hold it anymore. I start wheezing. It soon turns into a full-on laugh attack. Scott soon asks confused "What's so funny Stiles?" 

That just makes me laugh more. After I finally calm down, I finally answer Scott "OMG I really need that. Damn dude jeez hoo my. Alright well to answer your question about what that was." 

Scott and Derek look at me tentatively waiting for my answer but before I did, I almost started another laughing attack. . . . Almost "That was me Scott . . . . See"

I demonstrate my fox scream. Making them both jump back instinctively covering their ears. I finish the demonstration and they both slowly, cautiously remove their hands from their ears and Scott says "Fucking Hell Stiles. Jesus a little warning next time holy fucking Cow. Ooowww." 

I can't help it as I started smirking to myself. Derek soon speaks "Yeah . . . Like Scott said. To be honest Stiles I don't think we need to see anyone as that . . . . . . Whatever you call it was most likely heard all over town for miles. You probably broke the great wall doing that." 

I look back to Derek stating, "Were you just being sarcastic to me sour wolf." He looks at me unblinking saying firmly "No!" 

I just roll my eyes shaking my head I ask Scott "So what's the plan, you gonna call a pack meeting at the loft." 

Scott looks at Derek shaking his head to confirm Scott then answers me "Yeah I'll do it now" I can see him looking down then after a few, he states "Alright everyone is going to be there. 

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