Chapter 7: Stiles P.O.V.

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I've just gone to sleep when I wake up still in the jeep. What the hell, I thought the whole reason I did this was so we could talk. "You did." 

I look out the jeep bed window to see Void as he smirks at me. He speaks again " so we going to talk, if we are I'll be in the passenger seat." 

He disappears in a puff of black smoke that kinda looked like the Oni's surrounding I guess a smoky aura. I look at the passenger seat and like he said there he is. 

I sit up to go into the driver's seat. Even though I know I'm just in my mind I can't help but feel uneasy and a little scared. The silence starts to feel really suffocating so I start "Sooo. What kind of deal we talking." 

He looks at me slyly with a smirk saying "Well thing is Stiles as you know I'm very upset, not just about the past anymore but now on top of Noshiko, but also Scott and Kira. I want to show them what happens to people that mess with me. 

Forgetting the number 1 rule when dealing with tricksters. We told Scott rule number 2 never trust a Fox. The number 1 rule Stiles, you can't trick a trickster. That's why the 1 exception to that rule is another trickster or in your case another fox. 

Like Kira but the only reason that I did overlook was because of her age. I didn't consider her a threat, obviously a mistake on my part. Kira being Noshiko's daughter I should have known. But now I don't have to worry about her, being with the skin walkers and all. Sadly, for you though that only leaves one person left." 

I listen as he explains but I can't help but think who. . . . FUCKING HELL Nooo no, no, no, no. Please no "Don't tell me it's who I think it is." 

He looks at me again "Okay. I won't." I stare at him and instead I ask him "You said something about compromising or some kind of deal." 

He smirks again "Right so the deal is you let me take over fully, completely and 100% basically I'm in charge in return I'll let you choose who dies and who lives. 

There will 2 per round for example let's use Malia and . . . . Lydia who lives and who dies. If you want, you can just tell me who dies. 

But make sure to let me know what you're doing. So do you agree, and if you don't that just means I'll choose for you, you have no say whatsoever. 

At least this way you have some say instead of none at all. As the saying goes it's better to have some than nothing at all." 

I think for a while I can't believe I'm saying this "Your right, but like you said yourself rule number 2 never trust a Fox. So how can I know you won't turn on me." 

He's still smirking responding "If you really want to know how. Thing is technically speaking Stiles you could be considered a fox. 

I'll give some examples, you're an excellent at lying, even to Scott and the rest of the pack. You found a loophole allowing you to lie without being noticed by Werewolves with super hearing. 

You also pickpockets like it's second nature to you. The most obvious and best is how smart and cunning you are, along with being a mischievous rebel. 

Stiles you are a Fox always is and always will. I imagine if you were ever given the bite, even if it kills me, you'll still be a kitsune but instead it would be more like a were kitsune or a werefox. 

So as rule 1 states you can't trick a trickster meaning I can't trick you. Besides I have no reason too. I need you and you need me." 

Damn it. Even if he is telling the truth, I can't trust him or any of what he says. I just have to make some ground rules of my own " Alright Void, but I want some of my own terms if I'm to accept this." 

Voids smirk gets bigger and he says, "What are the terms?" I can't help but feel like he's playing me, but even if he is I'm going to make sure he follows through with my terms "The terms to me letting you do whatever you want, however. There will be one that's off limits, out of bounds. Got it." 

Void answers "So far." I continue "Good the one-off limits is . . . . Lydia. Under no circumstances is Lydia to be in any way shape or form harmed or hurt, killed or anything related to that." 

He looks at me and asks " That's all. Just don't hurt her in anyway shape or form." I still feeling like he's got something planned, something to do with Lydia as he's basically asking me to clarify what I just said. I believe he sees some kind of loophole. 

I think before answering as if I don't say what specifically I want for the terms he'll use what I don't clarify against me . . . . . . . And everyone else. "Yeah, but one last thing." 

Void looks at me with a curious face saying "Hmm. Alright Stiles, just one last thing." I can't help but feel I'm missing something. I can't help that though. I just need something from you to prove you mean what you say." 

Void again smirks "I think I can manage that. So is it deal. I'll agree to your terms, you agree to mine. I'll agree to not harming Lydia in anyway shape or form also to prove my words are true and you'll agree to let me have complete and total control of your mind and body." 

I'm still not sure about this " yeah deal, but until you prove it, I'm going to keep my eyes and everything else on you until you prove that you won't go against your word." 

He's still smirking at me then he answers "Let's shake on it, you'll let me take over, before anything else I'll prove it to you. I already know exactly how to show you I'll never hurt Lydia." 

He's holding his hand out to me to shake but I'm still a little nervous about this, but I have to try. "Let's do this." I take his hand shaking it while Void is continuing to smirk when he says "Alright Stiles time to let me in." I do as he says. Wondering if I made the right choice.

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