•Birthday parties and Broken Friendships•

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Y/N looks around in confusion.
Y/N: Dammit, why is so dark? I remember leaving the windows open, before going outside.
He muttered, walking to the living room with Neji following him.

He entered, and flicks the switch. When the lights went on, he almost fell to the ground in surprise.

Everyone yells. The room was filled with all his friends, and there also were Jiraya, Tsunade, Shizune and Iruka. Naruto looks at Y/N with a smile.

Y/N: What is... This?
He muttered, still shocked.
Naruto: Happy Birthday, Y/N.
He says.

Y/N's eyes started to fill up with tears, making everyone gasp in surprise.
Sakura: No! Tears weren't in the program you gave me, Naruto!
She said, concerned, as she starts scrolling down a list.

Y/N starts chuckling.
Y/N: You shouldn't have.
He says, wiping his tears away with a smile.

Sakura: Oh, come on! After all you've been through, you just needed one!
She said.

Konohamaru: You're always away on doing missions or training, so you just needed some time to enjoy with your friends!
He says.

Y/N smiles brightly at everyone.
Y/N: Thank you.
He said.

They go to the garden, where Naruto and everyone had put a table with food on it. They start eating.

Nothing could describe how happy Y/N was at the moment. This was the first time celebrating his birthday with someone in years. Sasuke was there too, but he was in a corner.

Y/N was with Neji, who was enjoying himself, much to Rock Lee and Ten Ten's disbelief.

Y/N: You're really enjoying yourself, aren't you?
He asks, chuckling.
Neji: I am.
He says, smiling at him.

Y/N looks at Sasuke, who gets up, and starts going away. The smile on Y/N's face slowly faded away.
Y/N looks at Neji.

Y/N: Sorry, I'll be back in a minute.
He says, leaving, and going after Sasuke.
Y/N: Hey...
He says. Sasuke stops, but doesn't say a word.

Y/N: Sasuke, why are you leaving?
He asks. He turns around. Y/N could see anger in his eyes.
Sasuke: You sure are getting stronger day by day.
He says.

Y/N looks at him.
Y/N: What does this mean? I'm not strong at all.
He said. Sasuke scoffs.

Sasuke: You sound like a damn broken record, always repeating the same things over and over again. Even Naruto is getting stronger. Then why am I the only one who still remains the same?
He says.

Y/N looks at him. There was no emotion in his eyes.
Y/N: So? What do you want me to do? Comfort you? Praise you? Tell you your going to get stronger? I know how you feel, because I feel the same right now.
He says.

Sasuke: I don't believe you. Go back to that idiotic party. Go back to those who praise your strength. I know you like it. I thought we were the same, but looks like I was wrong all along. I was only making a fool of myself. You're just like your brother. Just like my brother. You too killed someone.
Sasuke says.

Y/N stares at him, as anger starts spreading in his body. He was feeling angry to the point of throwing up.

Y/N: Are you an Idiot or something?
He asks. There was no emotion in his voice. The usually kind and smiling Y/N was long gone.

Sasuke looks at him.
Y/N: Strong you say. I trained my WHOLE LIFE to beat my brother, and once again I lost. But why, if I'm stronger than a Jonin?
He said.

Y/N: Do you want to know why I'm strong?
He asks. Sasuke glared at him.
Sasuke: Spit it out.
He said.

Y/N: I had to train harder than you think. I had to train in order to survive, out there. I was damn 7 when I had to run away for dear life, leaving behind EVERYTHING and ALL THOSE WHO RAISED AND CARED ABOUT ME! I trained harder and harder, just to stay alive.
He said.

Sasuke kept silent.
Y/N: I don't give a damn if people believe me or not. I don't need no one's pity, nor I need anyone's praise. Just for you to know, I got my life destroyed because of praise! Is it a fight you want? Then come at me. I won't back away from anyone, even if that means fighting my cousin.
He said, angrily.

Sasuke charged a chidori.
Sasuke: Fine!
He says, as he starts running at Y/N. Y/N charges a Rasengan.

Sasuke: CHIDORI!
He yells.
he yells.

Just when they're about to hit each other, Kakashi jumps out of nowhere, and kicks them away.
Kakashi: Just what do you think you're doing?
He shouts.

Sasuke: It's nothing of your concern.
He said with gritted teeth, before leaving. Y/N got up, looking at him, as he walked away. He then turned around, and walked back home.

He went to the bathroom, and locked himself in. He sat on the toilet, staring blankly at the ground.
Y/N: Everyone keeps comparing me to him. I'm done... I'm done.
He thought, his eyes still glued on the ground.

Y/N: I keep losing my friends, and all I can do is watch them go away.
He thought, as tears were now streaming down his eyes.

Y/N: It's not even my fault. I've never asked for this, damn! I just wanted to live a normal life!
He thought, angrily.

Someone knocks at the door.
Neji: Hey, Y/N are you in there?
He asks.
Naruto: Yeah, come out, Y/N! We've still got to eat the cake!
He says.

Y/N quickly wipes his tears away. He then slowly opens the door, seeing both of them standing there, looking at him with worry.
Neji: Are you ok?
He asks.

Y/N: Yeah.
He says, smiling at them.
Naruto: Kakashi-sensei told us everything about what happened between you and Sasuke.
Naruto says.

Y/N's face showed no emotion once again.
Y/N: Oh, he did?
He says.
Neji: Don't pay attention to what Sasuke says.
He says.

Naruto: He's just jealous.
He says.
Y/N: Stop, guys. I'm sure he was not in his mind when we spoke.
He says. He was desperately trying to convince himself that it was true.

Naruto sighs.
Naruto: You're was too kind, sometimes.
He says. Y/N just smiles at them, as he goes back to the garden.
1115 words.

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