•Fights and Apologies•

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Both Naruto and Y/N start doing Hand Signs.
Naruto: Fire Style: Great Fiery Dragon!
He yells, as he generates a huge dragon made of flames.

Y/N smirks.
Y/N: It's time to show you our new jutsu!
He thought.
Y/N: Fire Style: Hell Flame - Modified. Blue Destroyer Flame jutsu!
He yells, as he starts spitting a huge amount of blue fire.

It reaches the dragon created by Naruto, and as it makes contact with it, it starts turning blue, while its height keeps increasing.

It moves at the speed of light towards Kabuto, who's sent flying, colliding onto a rock. Naruto and Y/N run towards Tsunade.

Tsunade: You two are insane! Why are you doing this!
She yells.
Naruto: Because one day I'll be the Hokage, and I'll protect people!
He yells, as Her eyes widen.

Y/N looks at Jiraya, seeing him in difficulty.
Y/N: Ugh, isn't he one of the three Sannin?
He says sighing, as he bites his finger and drawing a line on his palm with the blood.

He slams the hand on the ground.
Y/N: Summoning Jutsu!
He yells, as Fanny appears in front of him.

Fanny: It better be important, kid!
She yells.
Y/N: We have to help Pervy-sage! He's in difficulty!
He yells. Fanny sighs.

Fanny: You're just too kind sometimes. Alright, let's go.
She says. Y/N jumps on her back.
Y/N: Naruto, what are you doing? Are you waiting for an official invitation? Jump here!
Y/N yells.

Naruto jumps on Fanny's back, smiling.
Tsunade: Don't you dare think you're leaving me behind!
She yells, summoning a huge slug.

Y/N: Disgusting, but who cares?
He thought, as they start heading towards Orochimaru.

Y/N then jumps on Orochimaru's snake.
Y/N: Fanny, take care of Naruto!
He yells.
Fanny: Get a move on!
She yells impatiently.

Orochimaru looks at Y/N. Y/N notices his arms are purple.
Y/N: That's why he needed her...
He thought.
Orochimaru: Long time no see... Kirigaya Y/N.
He says.

Y/N: What an annoying voice. Shut the hell up!
He yells, punching him.
Orochimaru looks at him, now furious.
Orochimaru: Don't you dare give me orders, brat!
He yells, punching Y/N.

His neck stops hurting. The black marks on his body starts retreating, till totally disappear, and the aura around his body dissipates.
Y/N: What was that?
He thought. He then heard Kirito's voice.

Kirito: He removed the mark he put on you.
He announced. Y/N smirks.
It took a few second for Orochimaru to realize what he did.

Orochimaru: NO! WHAT HAVE I DONE!
He yells angrily. Then he looks at Naruto, who's near us.
Orochimaru: That's ok. I'll kill the Kyubi kid.
He thought, as he takes a sword from his throat.

When he's about to hit Naruto, Y/N moves as quick as a lightning, and blocks the hit with his swords. His sword shatters, and his eyes widen.

Orochimaru: Those damn swords! Just what material was used to make them! And what's with this pressure?!
He thought angrily.

Y/N: Don't you dare try to attack Naruto!
He yells, now raising both of his swords.
Y/N: Release Recollection!
He yells, as the black clothes again appear on his body, and his eyes turn yellow.

Orochimaru looks at him in fear.
Orochimaru: Those eyes... Arima... The same... No way!
He yells.
Y/N: Did he just say Arima? Did those two meet?
He thought.

Kabuto reaches Orochimaru.
Kabuto: Orochimaru-sama!
He yells. Everyone looks at him.
Kabuto: We have to leave! You can't fight like that!
He yells.

Y/N: Then let me help you!
He yells, charging a Rasengan.
Tsunade looks at him.
Tsunade: So he did master it, after all.
She thought, as Y/N hits both Orochimaru and Kabuto, sending them Flying.

Once they land on the ground, they disappear in a puff of smoke, and Y/N puts his blades away, turning back to normal. Naruto hugs him.

Naruto: You were awesome!
He yells. Y/N hugs him back.
Y/N: Naruto, do I still have the mark on my neck?
He asks. Naruto checks, and shakes his head happily.

Jiraya: Looks like he removed it by accident.
He says, walking up to them.
They both look at him.
Naruto&Y/N: Did you see, Pervy-sage?
They ask, excitedly.

Jiraya smiles.
Jiraya: I did, and you two are great!
He yells. Y/N turns around, looking at Tsunade, who's smiling.

He walks up to her.
Y/N: Uh... Sorry for being a jerk, last time. I was just stressed out, and lost my calm. It wasn't my intention to call you old hag.
Y/N says, apologizing.

Tsunade: Don't worry about that. Tonight we'll see who wins!
She says.
Y/N: I'll win!
He says.

That evening, Y/N is again facing Tsunade. She smiles at him, raising her index.
Tsunade: I'll use just a finger to beat you.
She says.

Y/N: We'll see.
He says, charging at her.
Naruto: You can do it, Y/N!
He yells. As Y/N reached her, she flicks her finger, making Y/N's forehead protector fall on the ground.

Y/N panicked.
Y/N: Not again!
He thought, closing his eyes tightly, waiting for her to hit him. She smiled at him. Instead of hitting him, she kissed his forehead. Y/N opens his eyes, blushing a little.

Tsunade: You're indeed Tenko and Midori's son.
She says, as she hands him her necklace.
Tsunade: It was property of the 1st Hokage.
She says.

Y/N admires it. Then, he turns towards Naruto.
Y/N: Here.
He says, giving him the necklace. Naruto looks at him with a gleam in his eyes.

Y/N: You'll be the greatest Hokage, and I'll do what I can to help you.
He says, as Naruto hugs him.

Naruto: Thanks, Y/N.
He says. Y/N smiles, hugging him back.
Y/N&Naruto: We'll do it together.
1014 words.

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