I heard that the school had informed the Shi family of Shi Yunnan's physical condition, but the response from the family was: "Children, I'm not so squeamish when I have a conflict, just rest for a few days."

Very lightly said.

It's just that after this incident, Shi Yunnan couldn't accept a completely dark resting environment at all, and he had to leave a light for himself every night when he went to bed.

Just like the drunken night a while ago, even if he was unconscious, he instinctively stopped Luo Lingsheng from turning off the lights.

Shi Yunnan didn't like to complain, and liked to pretend that he was nothing, so even the closest Wen Yibei didn't know about his situation.

But he did not expect that Luo Lingsheng would notice and make a correct guess.


Shi Yunnan broke free from the brief trance and saw that the phone had only 3% of the battery left, "The phone is about to run out of power, Luo Lingsheng, I..."

"Do you have the coat you brought with you before going out?"


"Touch your right pocket."

Shi Yunnan was stunned for half a second, followed Luo Lingsheng's instructions and poked into his coat pocket.

Then he found a candy in the pocket of his coat that he had never cared about.

He looked down, it was the same fruit candy he gave Luo Lingsheng at the beginning.

"Have you touched it? You said you like this flavor of fruit candy." Luo Lingsheng's speech speed increased a lot, but he still maintained enough patience and gentleness.

This is what he sneaked into the other party's pocket this morning. It was a kind of silent service, and he didn't expect it to be used at such a time.

"Yuan Meng is already driving at full speed, and Qin Jian is also contacting the management on the market side."

"If the phone can't hold back and automatically shuts down after a while, you can stay where you are and close your eyes with this candy. Believe me, I'll rush to your side before this candy melts."

The sense of security in this guarantee is too sufficient, and even Shi Yunnan has set a time limit for the time he is forced to be in the dark.

Shi Yunnan's eyes narrowed, and he unconsciously clenched the hard candy in his mouth, "Luo Lingsheng."

"I'm here." Luo Lingsheng deserved to fly quickly.

He then instructed in a warm voice, "Squat down against the wall or sit directly, hug yourself tight, don't be afraid..."

In the next second, the light of the mobile phone suddenly went out, and the warning on the phone was cut off mercilessly.

The fear in the all-dark environment attacked Shi Yunnan like he was devastated. He has never been afraid of things, but this situation made him unable to calm down and think.

Shi Yunnan's breathing became uncontrollable, the phone fell off, and the sound of hitting the ground sounded loudly.

Shi Yunnan fell stiffly on the ground, perhaps the hard candy was too tight, and there was a trace of pain in his palm.

When he reacted, he seemed to have grabbed some life-saving straw, opened the candy wrapper and put it in his mouth——

The tip of the tongue was filled with a familiar sweet taste, which for a moment suppressed the fear that the environment brought him.

After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled TyrantWhere stories live. Discover now