Fawning over him and asking a billion questions. Gasping when Arthit sat down and took Kongpob's feet into his lap and began massaging. "P'Arthit, I'm okay," he tried removing his legs but Arthit held on tight and smiled.

"I know. Just sit back," Arthit continued massaging and Kongpob couldn't help but sigh and lay back, smiling when the others talked. About work, college, life, relationships. Which soon turned into teasing Kongpob.

Stopping only when Arthit gave a small smile and redirected the conversation. To teasing everyone else, winking at Kongpob and kissing his feet.

Kongpob was floating from the day Arthit confessed, the day he apologized. But this was a new level of euphoria. Arthit sitting on the floor when his friends were there and kissing his feet. What more could he ask or yearn for?

And he fell in love with their friends too. Not judging once about anything, only supporting and welcoming him into a warm, big, happy family. And it felt like he always belonged there, like family.

He was so happy that he began questioning if it was reality or fantasy. Whether it would last or not. But seeing the unfaltering smile on Arthit's face was enough of a promise. That no matter what, he wouldn't let go. And that's all Kongpob needed.

As he closed his eyes and heard the room get quieter, smiling with another feathery kiss. Unable to keep his eyes open for another second. Knowing it was okay because they would be back again soon.

Or tomorrow for more ice cream or to tease Kongpob. Either way, Kongpob wanted it.

Just as much as he wanted all the baby clothes in the stores. They were all too cute, how can you decide?

Kongpob raked his hand through the isles and isles of clothes while Arthit pushed the cart around. "Isn't this cute, P'Arthit?"

"Uh-huh," Arthit replied, not even looking Kongpob's way. Kongpob pouted and placed the "Daddy's baby" pajamas back on the rack and hugged Arthit's arm.

"P'Arthit?" Kongpob looked up at him, with the puppy eyes Arthit couldn't resist.

"Don't do that here, puppy," Arthit grabbed his waist and pulled him in closer while Kongpob looked at him wide-eyed.

"P'Arthit...P'Arthit," Kongpob tried to put some space between them.

Arthit leaned in and kissed Kongpob while Kongpob kept pushing, trying to look away. But soon melting into the kiss unconsciously while Arthit smirked. Wrapping his arm around Kongpob's waist and the other arm on his belly.

Arthit let go of the bruised lips, licking it wet. Smirking at Kongpob's red face. Kongpob banged his head on Arthit's chest, clawing his shirt. Taking deep breaths, unknown to him, that's what Arthit wanted.

Arthit smiled sweetly at the young couple, the man staring at Kongpob with the gaze Arthit knew all too well. And Kongpob knew nothing about it, thinking it was only Arthit who looked at him that way. He took a mental note, looking them up and down and giving a short smile.

"Did you get everything you wanted?" Arthit rubbed Kongpob's back, helping him stand up straight.

Still very red in the face. Kongpob nodded, looking at the overflowing cart full of toys and clothes. Knowing damn well that their baby wouldn't even use half of it.

But he couldn't resist. Even people who don't want children fawn over the babies section, so how could HE not?

"This will be expensive..." Kongpob looked away, organizing the clothes in the cart, shuffling.

Arthit gave him a blank stare, the one he would give after Kongpob would bring up anything about dollars between them. And he's lucky he was very pregnant.

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