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With your grip tightened around the handle of the knife, you dared to move closer to the edge of the forest.

The weather had tuned down, tuning the pouring shower into a light spray rain. It felt like a veil was falling from the sky to kiss the earth and water the colourful buds of the flowers.

In the distance, you could see rocks piling up into the sky, forming some sort of natural tower. It was hard to tell, but from the distance you could have sworn that there was a person standing on top.

In the distance, gunshots sounded. They were like the omen of death, telling everybody far and wide that there was no escape.

Uncertain, you ventured further out into the plain, away from the safe bushes and shadows. Your heart was beating like crazy, making you fear it would burst through your chest any minute.

Closing your grip tightly around the knife, you ducked and crawled through the tall grass toward the stone tower.

There were people there. Many little silhouettes were running through the area close to the tower. It seemed as if they were restless and fighting something.

No not fighting.

They defended something.

Their voices filled the air, screaming and ordering.

Gunshots rang out again.

You dug, frightened by the sudden sound. Your heart skipped a beat. Everything inside of your body was screaming to run away, to keep yourself alive.

But another feeling, deep, deep hidden inside of you told you that there was exactly what you were looking for.


Again, gunshots filled the air. This time, they were closer.
The howling of wolves mixed into the chaos.

People screamed.

The smell of rain mixed with the smell of freshly cut grass and iron. Blood. Somewhere must have been a huge amount of blood.

The sweet scent crawled into your nose, up to your brain and made all of your senses tingle. Goosebumps grew all over your skin, making you shiver.

Nausea crept into your brain and for a moment light began to dance before your eyes.

Gagging and twisting, you rolled on your back, trying to suppress the urge to empty your stomach.

A ringing sound filled your ears, so shrill and sudden that it gave you a headache and made your eyes water.

"What the fuck?", you bit your lips and squeezed your eyes shut.

The air smelled different now. Like something burning. And raw flesh.

Raising your head, you dared to take a look at the surroundings.

The silhouettes from before were slowly trining into figures. It was hard to tell who they were from the distance but the way they dressed indicated that they belonged to Eden's Gate.

In their hands they held guns, riffles and other weapons. They screamed as if they were ready to sacrifice their lives on the battlefield.

What was going on?

As your eyes wandered further, you spotted another figure. No, two figures.

It seemed as if they were running right into the arms of the enemies.

Taken by your curiosity, you dared to walk a few meters, until you were so close, that everything was as clear as dawn.

Suddenly, the sounds of a battle reached your ears. Constant gunshots made your skin tingle and your heart beat faster. Breathing heavily, you dug behind a huge stone and threw a glance up the hill.

Now, it was easier to spot the details. The two strangers that fought against the soldiers of Eden's Gate were a man and a woman.

They were wearing uniforms. And legit looking badges.

Police officers?

No, that couldn't be, you thought and bit your lips.

It seemed like they were trying to escape.

Maybe, just maybe, they could be your golden ticket out of this mess.

But as the two ran up the hill, killing the last man that was resisting, you spotted someone that made your heart drop.

With your eyes wide open, you stared into Jacob's face.

He was standing high up in the sky, on top of the tower and let bullets rain down on the two deputies. As he spotted you, he froze, forgetting that he was fighting for his life at the very moment.

His eyes widened and a soft gasp escaped him. Silently, he asked what you were doing here. His lips were trembling. Something inside of his eyes was burning.

You swallowed thickly.

"Jacob.", you gasped.

Without thinking, he jumped away from the two enemies and down the tower.

Judging by their interest in the Seed brother, they had not spotted you yet. That was a good thing, at least for him but it didn't help with his beating heart.

Suddenly, he felt nervous. Stressed even.

Never before he had felt this way. It was as if he was standing at the edge to death. But he wasn't fearing for his own life. He was afraid he might loose yours.

Casting a quick glance over to you, he silently told you to stay put and not say a single word. The look on his face was begging you to keep calm and not put yourself in danger.

Bringing a good distance between him and the two strangers, he turned his back on you and lured them away, onto the other side of the field, down the hill.

But before he vanished between grass and rocks, he cast another glance over his shoulder.

A shaky breath exocarp him as his blue eyes locked with your (E/C) eyes.

"Run.", he mouthed and disappeared from your field of vision.

Gunshots filled your ears. Somebody screamed. In that moment your heart skipped a beat. You were unsure if it was Jacob's voice or the one of the stranger.

Suddenly, you felt restless instead of nervous. Debating weather or not it would be wise to come for his aid, you looked around.

Dead bodies.

Dead bodies everywhere.

And guns.

Quickly, you checked if somebody watched you and snug over to one of the fallen soldiers to grab his gun. It felt weird to pick it up, heavy but also unfamiliar. You had never before held one let alone put one to use.

"Shit...", you hissed and looked up the hill. "I have no choice..."

Jacob Seed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now