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You didn't know how much time had passed since Jacob had left you.

Huddled together, you squatted in a corner of the cave, wrapped in all the blankets you could find.

Next to you lay Judge, his white fur glowing in the dim light of the oil lamp, making him look like a phantom. Only the red markings on his fur indicated that he was a real flesh-and-blood creature, obeying a master.

Outside the cave, the wind chased through the woods, making the branches tremble and leaves rustle. It was raining and in the distance thunder made the air tremble.

Usually you enjoy such weather, so stormy and yet calming. But although your body was protected from the merciless cold, you froze. It was as if this cold had taken up residence in your body, brooding in it until it could devour you from within.

A cold shiver crept down your spine. With a heavy sigh you closed your eyes and tried to concentrate on the sound of falling rain. But no matter how hard you tried, your thoughts couldn't tear themselves away from Jacob.

Where was he?

Why had he left?

Was he well?

"Shit...", you muttered, and began to scratch Judge behind one ear. "Judge, my boy. Can't you go get him?"

With a low growl, the wolf raised his head and turned it to the side, as if to tell you that he didn't understand a single word.

Mildly you had to smile at the sight.

"Aren't you a cute one?", you scratched his chin. "But your master is sweeter."

Again he howled, turned on his back and raised his paws.

A soft giggle escaped you.

It was strange to see how tame a wild animal could be. At that moment, Judge seemed more like a lapdog than a hunter of the wild.

Your hand wandered further through his thick fur, over his neck, to his belly where you pressed your fingernails deep to his skin to scratch him properly.

A pleasurable growl escaped his throat, he began to wag his tail and his tongue hung out of his mouth.

The sight was almost amusing. But in the end, he was here to protect you.

Your grip on Jacob's knife tightened. The weight had become barely noticeable after a while, as if the blade had become a part of you. You didn't want to lose it, not only because it was your only way to defend yourself, but also because you hoped to return it to Jacob one day.

Preferably, that day would come soon.

But for some reason you had a very bad feeling. It was like a dark premonition, a goose bump that heralded something bad.

Suddenly there was thunder. The sound was so continuous at that moment, and so sudden, that you flinched in fright.

Alarmed, Judge turned back onto his stomach, raised his head and listened. Suddenly he growled. His fur stood up. With his tail tucked between his legs, he placed himself in front of you.

Your heart began to beat wildly. Nervously you stood up, one hand on the wolf's back.

"What is it, boy?", you asked, glancing at the entrance to the cave. "Who is there?"

Again there was thunder. This time, the bright light of a bolt of lightning illuminated the darkness.

As if born from the darkness, a figure suddenly appeared.
You flinched in surprise, but Judge stiffened, ready to attack.

"Easy, boy.", you whispered to him, afraid he might get hurt. "Stay by my side."

Your grip on Jacob's knife tightened so much that your knuckles turned white.

The figure came closer.

In the dim light you could see that it was a man, smaller than Jacob and probably younger. He moved smoothly, so different from a soldier. When he was close enough, some details appeared in the darkness. His dark hair, which looked almost black in the light, was neatly combed back.

His slim torso was dressed in an unbuttoned vest, with a long coat over it. The black leather boots and a thick silver belt buckle were reminiscent of the wild west. He looked a little like a cowboy, the hat just pleading.

He had a beard, just like Jacob.

"Aha.", the man spread his arms as if to welcome you. "So you're my brother's new toy. Hm. Not bad, I would have thought his taste was worse."

You didn't know the man, but somehow there was a feeling in the back of your mind when you heard the voice.

Carefully you tilted your head to get a better look at his face.

"Who are you?", you asked, still with one hand behind your back.

Judge growled menacingly as the stranger came so close that there were only three steps between the two of you.
He looked at you as if you had insulted him.

"Didn't my brother tell you about me? How rude.", he grinned. "I'm John. Your future brother-in-law."

His words caught you off guard. Simultaneously surprised and confused, you raised your eyebrows before it occurred to you that he was joking.

"Very funny.", you growled.

John laughed.

"Well, I think it's really funny. My brother doesn't really like strangers, so it's ironic that he's fallen for you."

"Says who? I'm just his pet."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't care what he calls you, but fact is, Jacob has a thing for you. Otherwise, he wouldn't be doing what he's doing right now."

Confused, you frowned.

"What do you mean?", suddenly there was concern in your voice. "Is he in danger?"

"Ah, so he didn't tell you. How romantic.", he purred. "So you like him, too. How sweet. Unfortunately, your little love story is doomed to fail."

"Says who?"

Suddenly John pulled out a revolver and pointed the barrel at the wolf.

"Joseph says so.", he said. "Now be a dear and come with me, or the wolf must die."

Startled, a cry got stuck in your throat. You wanted to jump back, but stumbled and lost your grip on the wolf's back.

Judge suddenly barked, tore his mouth open and jumped towards John.

A shot rang out, the smell of gunpowder and something burnt filled the air.

The wolf howled in pain, then something heavy dropped to the ground.

"Ah shit.", John growled, taking a step away from the bleeding animal. "This was Jacob's favorite. He's going to kill me for this."

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