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There it was again. That disgusting feeling of blood sticking to your fingers. It was equally cold and warm.

But it also felt like a sin.

Your fingers twitched, they felt as stiff as stone and they were numb, too. Your whole body felt empty. And so unknown, as if it were just a shell and not your own body, a part of you.

But you could feel blood dripping down your skin.

Slowly it ran down your arm as you stretched and tried to get hold of something in the darkness. Goosebumps crept down your back as the blood ran down your sleeve and soaked into the fabric of your t-shirt.

With a whine, you shuddered.

Suddenly, light broke through the darkness. It wasn't daylight, it was too orange and flickering for that.

But it still dazzled you. Tears filled your eyes. They burned. But when you tried to open them, your eyelids wouldn't obey. It felt like they were sticking together.

You took a deep breath and tried again. But even the second time it hurt like hell, as if someone was trying to rip out the eyelashes one by one while your eyes were closed. Tears ran down your cheeks. Goosebumps made your body shiver.

At that moment, you realized it was cold. Probably night time.

Biting your lips to suppress the pain, you managed to open your eyes a splat wide.

At that very moment, all of the feelings returned to your body. All of a sudden, everything hurt. Your arms, your legs, your hands and even the bones underneath your flesh. Everything hurt. Even your lungs began to pull together as you tried to inhale.

A heavy cough shook your chest, causing a stabbing pain to pierce your throat. It felt like dust that filled them and slowly made you suffocate.

Shaking, you managed to roll onto your stomach and lift your gaze. Silhouettes of the night appeared. Everything was so silent, so calm. Just the wind danced through the valley and made the trees sing songs of nature.

A loud growl reached your ears. It was your empty stomach.

With clenched teeth you crawled on all fours to the edge of the cage. The world looked watery before your eyes. It looked a little as if the night would dance and drown.

An outline appeared, came closer and stopped in front of the bars. Then the person slowly bent down. Muscular arms appeared, the hem of an army jacket, and then a holster.

The knife was missing.

"Well done.", Jacob's voice sounded like it was coming from far away. "You are becoming useful."

Or maybe you had just gone deaf.

Confused and plagued by weakness, you glanced over your shoulder. His praise didn't come from nothing. You must have done something again. Something that he approved of with a smile on his face.

Blood. Blood everywhere. It seeped into the ground, making it muddy and wet like a swamp. The cold air smelled of iron and raw meat.

As you raised your hands to check where the sticky feeling was coming from, you noticed that your fingers were completely stained red. It was so much, a few drops still dripped down your arms. As they fell to the ground it felt like as if they were as loud as rain.

A heavy sigh left your lips and you had to close your eyes to keep from passing out.

A sweet scent was stuck inside your nose. It gave you nausea and the urge to throw up.

But there was nothing to throw up inside of your stomach. Instead, cramps grabbed you, causing such a string pain that you had to scream in agony.

At the other side of the bars, Jacob flinched. His hand twitched and he wanted to jump up. But he forced his feet to stay on the ground.

"Pup.", he said in a calm voice, trying to get you back to reality.

But the world of pain threatened to chew you up and swallow you whole.

Tears filled your eyes. The growling of your stomach made you go insane.

"(Y/N).", Jacob called you, hoping it would make a difference.

And it did.

It confused you. Struck by this confusion, your brain stopped working for a moment. The shaking stopped and your body forgot the pain all of a sudden.

It was still growling and howling inside of you, but instead of knifes, it felt like a dull pressure pressing against you from the inside.

Your eyes widened.

Your lips trembled.

Jacob offered you a hand. With a gentle gesture, he told you to come closer.

As you reached out for him, he grabbed you, demanding but gentle and pulled you closer.

Your cheek pressed against the cold bars of the cage. The cool touch felt like pure ice while your skin was burning.

You pulled a face, suffering.

He noticed and let go of you.

"Pup.", his eyes locked with yours. "You did good today."

His words were meant well but you couldn't help and feel restless because of them. He never praised anyone without a reason. He was obsessed with earning something and being worthy.

So there must have been a reason for him to tell you.

Taking a shaky breath, you slowly turned your head.

A figure formed inside the shadows of the cage. It wasn't moving. The way it was deformed told a story of cruelty and anger.

You turned your attention back to him. Nothing inside of you moved, no fear, no confusion. You knew exactly what had happened. Or at least you had a clear idea.

A sigh left your lips.

"Did I earn something?", you asked in a hoarse voice.

Jacob chuckled. It was a warm kind of chuckle, as if he was amused by the naive question of a child. He stretched out a hand and patted your head in a gentle manner.

"Maybe.", he reached for something at behind his back and pulled out a container of water.

It was the same container that you had stolen from him a few hours ago.

At the sight you swallowed thickly. Your eyes git stuck on the shiny metal as he opened the lid and a few drops of water ran over his fingers.

You licked your lips, following the drops with your eyes.

Jacob smirked and took a big sip.

"Two days without water.", he said and played with the precious liquid in his mouth before swallowing. "Oh, you must be dying for something to drink."

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