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A sharp pain chased through your back as you hit the ground. Dust twirled up and the feeling of branches breaking below your spine filled your body.

For a moment, you thought all of your bones were bend and broken. The feeling inside your legs disappeared for the length of a breath.

The fall was not deep, but it still hurt. But you had no time to get upset about the pain.

With tears in your eyes you jumped back to your feet and tried to run. But your knees were weak and every step hurt. All you could do was stumble away until the strength returned and the pain faded slowly.

But there was still this dull feeling that remained, like pressure between your kneecaps and up the muscle.

Running faster, you pushed the pain away and bit your tongue to suppress the urge to scream at the top of your lungs.

With a quick glance over your shoulder you could see Jacob out of the corner of your eye.

He was standing on the edge of the cliff, watching you as you ran like a madman for your life. In his hand he held the knife you had dropped.

Inwardly, you cursed yourself. That knife could have been useful and you had just dropped it. Now you were unarmed and didn't know where to run. But that was your smallest problem at the moment.

Bringing some distance between the two of you was enough at the moment.

Hastily you directed your gaze straight ahead again.

In front of you there was nothing but forest, everything was green and overgrown. Almost like a jungle. It smelled of rain and wet soil.

You jumped through a bush, past trees, until the sound of running water reached your ears. Suddenly there was a river. Running water meant that there must be a lake somewhere. From this lake, it might be easier to orient yourself.

"Luck be with me.", you murmured, and ran along the riverbed until your legs hurt. "Please, please give me something that gets me out of this mess. I never asked for anything, just this once."

Meanwhile, Jacob was still standing on the cliff, watching you. His grip on the knife tightened as you disappeared among the trees and out of his sight.

A low growl escaped his throat, a mixture of satisfaction and amusement. The grin on his bearded face widened briefly, then disappeared again and he climbed down the slope.

"Let's see how fast you are, pup.", he muttered, secretly feeling a bit of excitement. "Hopefully you're smart enough to know that no prey ever escapes me."

He didn't put the knife away. Instead, he occasionally ran the blade along the trunks of the trees, scratching deep grooves in the bark.

This moment made his blood boil.

He loved to hunt, but for some reason this hunt was even better than the ones before. Maybe it was because the prey was something special.

The thought of you running away from him awakened something in him. It was like an instinct, the compulsion to catch just this one prey.

He couldn't let you escape. And he didn't even want to.
All he cared about at that moment was a little fun. And the possible reward that was waiting for him at the end.

After a while of walking he imagined how it would be to face you while in trance. He would have full control, could order you to do anything. But in that moment a quick thought crossed his mind.

He didn't like you because you were obedient. It was easy to break a dog and make it listen when it feared the master.

But you were different.

You were afraid, no question, but at the same time there was this shimmer in your eyes. He had not noticed it at first, but now Jacob was pretty sure that there was something hidden below this shimmer.

Maybe it was just his imagination, but he could have sworn that you didn't fear him fully. Only when he threatened your life.

He had noticed that you were afraid because you were confused. Not because his presence was something to fear.

But maybe it was just him imagining things.

And yet, at the same time you were trying to run away from him constantly.

To be fair, it was the simplest form of survival instincts. He would never blame you for that. With a history like his, he knew what it took to keep yourself alive. And if running away was the only option, he was willing to accept it. At least for the moment.

However, despite him realising that you wanted to survive, he also felt a bit insulted. After all, you were running from him.

Jacob knew that he could be a bit special from time to time, but for some strange reason, he had expected you to be less afraid of him after the conversation in the car.

He had felt you were truly interested in his story. The sincerity had made him feel soft for a second.

But he had to admit that it had been nothing but a childish hope.

A soft chuckle escaped him. This time, he was mocking himself. With a shake of his head he rubbed his forehead.

"Fucking hell. Getting old, huh?", he mumbled to himself. "Maybe time makes me weak."

His icy eyes wandered through the forest, past the broad tree trunks and over a river to the other side of a road.

This place felt familiar.

Shattered glass was covering the street. Dark tire marks were pressed into the concrete.

Then it hit him.

You had followed the river, unintentionally ending up in the place where he had met you for the very first time. This lonely road that looked so clam and enjoyable. The road that he had turned into a nightmare.

And in the middle of this road stood a person, covered in blood.

Breathing slowly, Jacob climbed through the bushes. Below the sole of his shoes something crunched as he stepped onto a piece of glass.

With heavy breathing, you tore your head around. Tears filled your eyes and made your vision blur.

"Jacob.", you said.

Jacob Seed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now