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His eyes locked with yours. (E/C) melted with the icy blue of his.

Suddenly, his mouth felt as dry as a desert. His hands were sweating. He was nervous.

No. No, he was never nervous. Not ever. Not after everything that had happened.

So what was this?

What made him feel so uneasy?

He couldn't answer this question. Or did not want to. He wasn't sure anymore.

Sceptical, you eyed him from top to bottom, unsure if he was joking. The way he was behaving scared you.

He was so soft all of a sudden. So open and honest.

You swallowed thickly.

"Jacob.", you mumbled, scared to say his name louder.
He raised his head.


"Please don't put me back in a cage."

A small smirk appeared on his lips. Carefully, he stretched out his hand, but stopped before daring to touch your face. He hesitated, waited for your consent before touching your cheek and stroking the soft skin with his thumb.

A soft sound escaped him. It was something between a huff and a laughter.

"I won't.", he promised. "You know... it's weird. I did not have a lot of feeling in my body after the war. It was hard to sense the warmth of a touch or skin to skin contact. But... whenever I touch you, it reminds me of the past. How things were before everything went to shits. Makes me feel like a normal man again."

He laughed, amused yet frightened by the way he was speaking.

Why was he getting soft all of a sudden?

You grabbed his hand, squeezed it a little and covered it with both of yours.

"I'm not a therapist, Jacob.", you said, looking at him with a sad expression. "You should get help elsewhere. If you want it, that is."

He pressed his lips together and shook his head.

"Nah. I want you. Not a therapist."

His words made you blush. Suddenly, your heart skipped a beat and you noticed how heat shot into your cheeks.


"What? Embarrassed now? Oh pup, shouldn't you know me by now?", he pulled you closer, pressing your ear against his chest so you were able to hear his heart beat. "I take what I want, whenever I want it. And I want you. The silence you give me and the ease I feel whenever you're around."

His huge hand began to stroke through your hair, playing with the (H/C) strands until they curled a little.

You swallowed, not knowing what to do or how to react, so you just remained motionless. You did not resist as he started to wrap his arms around you, pulling you into his lap.

Your heart was beating like crazy, but you were unsure if it was excitement or fear.

What was this?

Why did his words made you feel like this?

"I- I'm not a pet...", you tried to change his mind, even through you did not want to. "I caused you so much trouble and got hurt. I am not in the slightest the person that fits your ideals."

He chuckled. The sound made his broad chest vibrate.

It send shivers down your spine.

"You're right, you're not one bit fitting for the role of my partner. But I decide what I want, pup.", he placed a kiss on your hair, so gentle and loving that even he couldn't believe it. "And I decided to like your stubbornness. And your attempts to murder me."


"Pup. Don't challenge my patience. I might took a liking to you, but I can change that any time."

It was a lie.

He was lying to you. Even worse, he was lying to himself. He knew he wouldn't be able to change his feelings. He knew he wasn't able to calm the beat of his heart whenever he looked at you. And he also knew he couldn't kill the excitement that grew inside of him whenever the warmth of your touch tickled over his rough skin.

A shaky breath escaped you as you let yourself fall further against his chest.

He was well build, you noticed another time. He felt solid below you, but not hard. As you dared to lay a hand on his chest, you could feel the muscles tense below your touch.

Jacob inhaled sharply. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to enjoy the gentle touch, the care that made him feel like a little boy again.

He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this way. Loved and excited.

"Pup.", he pressed another kiss onto your hair.

"Hm?", carefully, you raised your gaze, the red strands of his beard tickled over your cheeks. "What is it?"

He was turning red, you noticed.

Maybe it was just the marks of the sun. People with ginger hair often turned red instead of getting a tan when they spent too much time out in the sun.

But he had spent all his time in the office, watching over you. So it must have been something else.

But you did not dare to think that he was blushing. That thought was just absurd.

"Stay here, will you?", he asked, looking you in the eyes without missing a single second.

Surprised, your eyebrows rose.

"Here? In the office?"

He nodded.

"Yeah. In this bed. With me."

You swallowed.

Maybe it was just the good mood he was in or the short moment of excitement he was feeling that made him ask this question. But he wanted you by his side. Next to him, in his bed. He did not say it out loud, it would he enough if you would sleep in the same room with him. But even that possibility made his hands go sweaty.

For a moment, you looked at him. He wasn't joking, you could tell by the look on his face.

You did not know what had gotten into him, but you did not complain. Somehow, you liked the way he was acting now. Sure, it was unusual, but for the moment it felt nice to be treated like a human being again.

And if you were completely honest, you were willing to do a lot in order to maintain this new treatment. The nights outside had not only made you hungry but also desperate.

Whatever it would take to be able to live like a normal person again, you would do it. Anything.

Jacob Seed x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя