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It was surprising that Jacob still knew how to be gentle.

His hands were shaking and he could hardly control his impatience, but the way he was taking care of the wounds and cuts was decent. At least he thought so himself.

"You'd probably fight me if you could see my work, pup.", he said to you and huffed in an amused manner.

No answer.

You were still unconscious, he knew that and it didn't look like this would change any time soon. But he liked the idea that he could talk to you.

It made him feel less nervous and at ease. Maybe even a bit less lonely.

No, he shook his head to get rid of this stupid thought.
He wasn't lonely. He had his brothers, Joseph and John.

Even Faith was there for him, even though she wasn't his blood. If there was anything he wasn't then it was lonely.
And yet.

Having you around made him feel some kind of way. He couldn't describe it, but for once the screams and laughter inside his head fell silence. His hand did not shake as if he was an addict. The pain seemed only dull and more like pressure on his skin rather than a burn.

"Ridiculous.", he grumbled and pulled a face, annoyed by his own softness. "It's all in your head. Stop making a fuss and get the work done."

With a wet cloth, he rubbed the sweat off of your forehead and wiped the blood away, before disinfecting the bigger wounds and patching them up.

It had been a while since he had needed his medical training from the old military days, but he remembered a good portion of it and wrapped the bandages as neatly as possible. Somehow, he wanted to do a good job, so you wouldn't argue with him about it afterwards.

"Huh.", an amused huff escaped him. "Why do I care? Nurse. Just because you're a nurse it doesn't mean I have to please you, professional."

A smile fought its way onto his face, before he bit his lips and made it quickly disappear again.

Quickly, he turned his back to you after pulling the blanket over your shivering body. He wasn't sure if you had a fever or not, but either way it would be good to keep you warm. Plus, he didn't want to look at the sight no more.

If he was fully honest with himself, he was ashamed of how terrible your condition was.

With his eyes lowered, Jacob took a seat at his desk and grabbed some of the food. It was enough for the two of you, even though the soldier must have thought it was for him only.

It was good food, some of the potatoes that the residents of hope county grew themselves, meat and sauce.

Whoever had prepared this meal had even thrown some veggies in. Jacob hated veggies, but he would just pass them to you.

With a sigh, he pierced the meat and chugged it down in one go. Somehow, he began to feel annoyed with himself. It had been a long time since he had cared for somebody who wasn't of his blood. But here he was now, not only taking care of your injuries but also keeping you warm and fed.

His eyes jumped over to you. With a pleased look on his face he noticed that the shaking was gone.

"Have a calm rest, pup.", he mumbled. "And wake up quickly. Food's getting cold."

He shoved another bite down his throat.

But as he wanted to grab a third bite a sound danced through the silence. It wasn't loud, barely more noticeable than a whisper. It came from outside. Somebody was walking down the corridor. But nobody was allowed to be in this area.

Nobody except three people.

Raising his head, he looked at the door.

A shadow moved. Voices seeped through the small crack underneath into his office. They sounded dull, almost not noticeable.

But Jacob knew who was coming to see him. Or rather his mistake.

He lowered the fork. Hopefully he would be able to talk to Joseph in a civil manner.

A knock sounded.

"Come in.", he allowed.

For a moment everything was silent.

"Your security system.", the voice of a man said.

"It's deactivated."

The door clicked, the doorknob turned and with a scratchy sound it slowly swung open. Light from the corridor fell into the room, casting a shadow.

As the crack was open wide enough, a face appeared. Dark brown, oily hair appeared. Glasses were stuck inside of the,  The bottom of the man was dressed in jeans and a brown belt, paired with some cowboy boots made of black leather.

While his upper body was only halfway covered by a lavishly open shirt, he was wearing a coat on top. Many tattoos adored his chest, making it seem like he was some sort of biker guy.

But as the dark beard appeared, mixed with the broad grin of a maniac, Jacob knew that it wasn't who he had expected.

It was worse.

"John.", Jacob got up to greet his little brother with a sort of hug. "What brings you here?"

John returned the greeting and walked farther into Jacobs hideout before his eyes found you. With a soft yet strange smile, he turned around to look at his brother.

"Rumours have it that you took a liking to some little sinner.", a laugh escaped him. "Seems like all the rumours are true."

With a grim expression on his face, Jacob slammed the door shut and rushed to the bed to cover you with his body.

"John, look at me.", he demanded with a threatening undertone in his voice. "Do not test my patience, John. This means nothing. It was just a silly incident and I will take care of it accordingly."

John crossed his arms in front of his chest. A board smile shimmered on his lips. With one eyebrow raised, he tries to cast a glance around his brother, but Jacob moved with his eyes, blocking his field of vision.

John laughed.

"You say that but act like a defensive boy in love. What are you protecting, brother? Your lover?"

"John.", Jacobs voice sounded warning. "Don't."

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