He froze, with his eyes wide. Hearing a high-pitch scream reverberating through the narrow alley. He hugged himself, wanting to turn back and sprint. But he was too frozen to react. And he didn't understand why his feet were still moving forward. Even though he was screaming inside to run back.

Fearing for his life. Scared of what he might witness.

And he did see something. Behind the huge dumpster, he could hear the sound of bones breaking and the muffled screams of a woman. "I won't again...spare me..."

He heard the struggled whispers. He crouched, leaning back. Trying to make himself invisible. But curiosity kills the cat.

"Your son couldn't even voice his protests. Couldn't beg. Only wanted mommy. Yet you sold him...for some gold coins..." a man snarled.

Kongpob heard some grunting before a gunshot was heard. Scaring off the birds nearby. Kongpob covered his mouth, stopping the scream from escaping. Trembling from head to toe.

He regained his senses, hearing the dark chuckle echoing, along with some humming. He peeked a little to find the man crouched down with a blade in his hand.

And just like that he regained the power in his muscles and walked away carefully. Not to make a sound. And just when he thought he was far enough to sprint, he heard the cocking of the gun. And a deep, dangerous whisper.

"Turn around."

Kongpob trembled thinking this was it. This was his fate. Getting disowned, thrown out, working multiple jobs, being seen as trash, and finally. Getting murdered in some alleyway.

"Don't make me repeat myself," the man snarled.

Kongpob turned around jolting at the deep command. His eyes were glued to the ground and he brought his hand up. Showing himself to be of no harm.

He looked up slowly to find the pistol aimed at him. And he knew it was loaded. His eyes locked with the dark hazel ones, the black skull mask covering all other features.

His lips quiver as the man stares at him. Looking him up and down and taking a liking for the submitting kid. He walked closer, lowering his gun.

"What is such a beautiful young man doing in these alleyways?" The man asked, putting his gun on Kongpob's chest. Running the muzzle up and down his chest. His eyes glinting.

Kongpob stared at the man with silent tears running down, sniffling. His honey-toned face flushed and messy. Making the man's interest peak. Wanting to be the reason for the messed up beautiful face.

"I won't s-say anything..." Kongpob whispered, compelled to stare into the hazel eyes. Not being able to look away.

"I know you won't," the man whispered, taking his gun and trailing it on Kongpob's face. Then smiled behind the mask. His eyes visibly crinkling. "The name's Arthit by the way... In case you want to know..."

Kong stared at him, with ragged breathes. He could imagine the chiseled face handsome, behind the mask. He knew, he would've been smitten if it was any other time... But instead...

The sight was making Kong tremble and close his eyes. Tears spilling. And the man was enjoying himself. Enjoying how alive he felt after so long. Enjoying the adrenaline in his veins.

"I won't kill you..." Arthit whispered, putting his gun away and shoving his hands in his pockets.

Kongpob looked at him, tilting his head. And Arthit wanted to coo at the adorable being. Yes, he wouldn't kill him. He would make great use of the treasure he found. Killing would be a waste.

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