Kaz Brekker x fem! Reader - In Other Words

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A/n: Just a little something I posted a while ago on my tumblr 

Warnings: Mentions of death, I feel like there's some mental health problem here but I can't pick it out (it's in Kaz's pov that's prolly why), I think that's it? You have been warned!

Summary: Kaz is stressed so he goes to visit Y/n

(Pronouns used: She/her)

There were so many words Kaz could use to describe Y/n L/n.

Yet none of them would ever be good enough to describe the whole of her and her soul. Her pure, outrageously, good soul.

She was otherworldly, she moved with goddess-like confidence and must have been a real-life Saint. Who else could be so pure, and beautiful yet be so unforgiving and bring down the destruction of Ghezen? No one. Expect her.

He limps down the alleyway wishing he could feel numb. Kaz pulls a distressed hand in his hair but he doesn't pray. He might have, not too long ago only there was nothing to pray for now.

"Kaz." A soft voice comes from the shadows and Inej emerges from the darkness moving as graceful as a cat and it nearly reminds him of her. But not quite, Y/n didn't walk silently unless she had a purpose to, and no one could be the Wraith.

He doesn't respond, he doesn't even look at her. How could he? He would show so much weakness although he knew the Wraith would never tell, the secret keeper locks away her secrets only telling him. The secrets that she does are like whispers in the back of his mind never loud enough to silence the voice in his head though.

"They're all worried for you, Nina even offered to share some of her waffles."

'You should go, with her.'

He snarls, he doesn't care that he was worrying his Crows he needed to leave, to escape. He didn't want to be trapped in another situation like that again.

"Fuck off."

Harshly he bumps past Inej walking briskly into the night already knowing where he's going to go - he's going to visit Y/n.

"Please, Kaz!"

'Go it's your last chance.'

Still, he only speeds up losing Inej in the crowd.


Stumbling onto the grass tears stream down Kaz Rietveld's face as his hand brushes over a gravestone.

Y/n L/n

Beloved wife and friend

'Life doesn't end with goodbye.'

But it did. Her life did, her precious pure soul died with goodbye - the irony.

'I'm sorry Kaz.'

"I know Y/n, I know."

In other words, Y/n was gone.

Words 372


I'm not sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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