Kaz Brekker x fem! Reader - Crows part 2

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A/n: So I deceided that this would fit better as a headcanon or else it would be wayyyyyy too long...

All rights go to leigh bardugo and you!

- So after what had happened

- You guys didn't really want to tell the group 

 - And Kaz still had to heal 

 - So you guys decided you just wouldn't tell them but slowly let them figure it out

 - It was a fucking mess

 - The first clue for them is that your the only person Kaz really let in

 - So when you a didn't come down right away after visiting Kaz

 - They were a bit sus

 - But you guys didn't do anything! Just laid together not touching and (accidentally) fell asleep

 - When you guys came down the next day

 - You with your very sleep driven sate and you looked very sleepy. Your hair was a mess and you still had your clothes on from yesterday

 - And Kaz looking sharp as ever was leaning on you coming down the stairs - Nina immediately asked what happened 

 - Kaz was #confusedboi 

 - you on the other hand... 

 - Got it right away glared at her and said "No, and I didn't know you were stalking me now." 

 - She shut up pretty fast 

 - After that Kaz still isn't quite healed all the way but he still has to do some work 

 - And you told him he couldn't do anything drastic till he was healed 

 - So you go on a girls date with Nina and Inej it had been like two weeks 

 - And ya'll are just wondering around Ketterdam being the amazing goddess's that you are 

 - And you go to the coffee shop 

 - You get two coffee's 

 - One's like your favorite because it was girls day you thought it would be good to treat yourself 

 - And the other is straight black

 - Literally just caffeine in it

 - More caffeine than coffee beans 

 - And they kinda just look at you and ask if your pulling a all nighter or something 

 - And you being oblivious just shrugs your shoulders and says it's for Kaz 

 - Their like wtf? 

 - When did this happen 

 - But you don't mention anything else on the subject 

 - So they drop it 

 - And you kinda left to go drop the coffee off to give it to your boyfriend 

 - The next time you were basically on a murdering date with Kaz

 - He's all healed and to go celebrate you guys decided to murder the people who hurt Kaz 

 - The people who hurt Kaz were also toke a visit to Ketterdam! Yay! 

 - You find these bastards 

 - And your so mad 

 - Your bashing their heads in, torturing them 


A bunch of x reader one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant