How Kaz Brekker ended up dating the Darklings sister headcanon

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A/n: So another one of these I know there not technically a one shot but it's fine  because I do have some different ones coming in! Also requests are open!

- So you guys actually meant on the sun summoner heist

- You knew your brothers plan, and you being absolutely nothing like your brother (tried to) help them capture alina

- You also escaped with them as well btw

- And you kinda just hung around

- You and Kaz just didn't seem to click at first though

- You guys didn't fight or disagree per say, it was just like you guys were strangers though

- And Kaz didn't see you of any use, and he didn't know you had powers

- But it's fine because then the first time you guys fought together

- You were effortless and it was crazy because it was like you could read each other's minds

- And you bet your ass all the people around you are dead! You may be nothing like your brother but your still a half-heartless bitch!

- Inej and Jesper weren't there so they didn't see but Kaz is totally (inside his head) fanboying to himself about all the crazy heist's he can pull off with you

- So you kinda just stick around

- So fast forward a bit around ruin and rising

- You and Kaz are wayyyy closer then before

- But it's more at a were friends but we really like each other but we don't think the other likes me stage

- Also side note Kaz hasn't really told you about his touch aversion, and you haven't told him that your brothers a shadow summoner, nor have you told him you are one as well

- But that comes up around now when *enter Nikolai* knows somehow your a shadow summoner and comes to capture you with alina, zoya, mal, ect.

- And at the time your kinda just walking back silently with Kaz from a heist

- And a storm starts rolling in

- And a flash of light is shown and there's the four of them

- Trying to take you down

- And they might of succeeded if you and kaz weren't fighting together

- You beat them (with the help of your powers and kaz didn't even blink an eye at)

- And your like what the hell do you want

- They tell you, you 'have' to come with them bla bla bla

- And your like bitch we have you down, your lucky we didn't just like kill you on the spot

- Then Alina recognizes you and's like oh you went against him she's fine

- "Oh ya when you have to live with his genocide cult you might not develop some rebellious tension against your family."

- Said very sarcastically

- So they kinda just go

- Turning to you kaz (in revenge for you not telling him your brother was general Kirigan) calls you Darkling

- And you almost protest against it because you don't like being reminded that your related to that scum or that your a grisha that never will be accepted into society

- But the way Kaz says it isn't with malice

- It's with respect and (secretly) love

- So it sticks

- You guys kinda just get closer after that

- And you guys aren't technically together yet but you have been working on his touch aversion

- Technically you guys were also working on 'I'm a monster stay away from me' motto that comes with being aleksanders sister

- So during the ice court heist

- Around the time where nina is going to spread the false plague and everything is going to go down basically

- You guys kiss

- You were in the moment going over plan's with kaz

- and you go to say goodbye

- and you both know this could be very well the last time you people get to spend time together

- And kaz (with his gloves off) pulls you towards him and spins you around and kiss's you

- It's a peck really

- But that's all you needed

- And for the first time dirtyhands looks nervous

- But you just smile at him and nod your head

- "If we survive I'm taking you on a date."

- You say that and then leave his office



A bunch of x reader one shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن