Platonic! Fat! Hera x fem! Demigod! Reader Don't Bother

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Requested by sigh100

A/n: So the request was some crack and to be honest it is but sigh100 I hope you like it! I think I also added a bit more fluff than crack I hope that was okay! And to add to that thought the reader is the child of Demeter because when I searched up who was the Greek god/goddess of food and it came up with her and the more I thought about that the more that made sense because they didn't really have junk food back then. Sooo... ya? I think that's it? Also plz request more 🥺🥺🥺

 Warnings: Crack, more crack, fluff, a sprinkle of angst, they talk about people being mean, they also talk about body image, child neglect shitty parents, language it's kinda weird, my crappy writing, I think that's it? Anyways, you have been warned!

Summary: You introduce Hera to junk food.

All rights go to the author of Percy Jackson, you because I don't own you and I think that's that! I just own the plot!

I stroll down the beige-bronze almost white (or it was white at one point and now it just looks like dirt) sidewalk humming a tune - I'm not pretty by Jessica from TikTok. I keep on think about the pizza, chips and cupcakes I'm going to get when I get home, (provided from my step-mom for coming back from camp and staying at home for the summer.)

I get to my house and I open the door and step inside. I breath in the air of my house not my home although I hope one day I can call this home again. Giddiness fills my tummy as I think about seeing my Dad, my step-mom and my two little half-sisters for the first time in 11 months. 

"I'm home." I yell and run into the living room only to find it empty I search the house to try and find anyone home but I can't find anyone.

Panic fills my veins but I calm myself down a little. No monster toke them it's just me over reacting. I bite my lip thinking of only one thing that could have happened if they weren't taken by some monster or even some normal mortal. 

They forgot about me.

I sigh and I take out the phone that I picked up from one of the Hephaestus kids gave me - it's supposed to be 100% monster proof but it's a prototype so it only might half work but I needed to cheek where my family was. 

I dial my moms number and it goes straight to her ringtone so I dial my dads and after some time of the phone ringing annoyingly he finally picked up. 

"Hello?" My dad says through the phone.

"Where are you guys?" I say with a bit of panic in my voice. 

"At the mall with your sisters and your step-mom why? I thought you weren't coming home this year?"

Tears fill my eyes and I resist the urge to sob and scream into a pillow.  

"We had a whole conversation in person! In person, dad! And I said if you guys treated me like I existed and didn't forget me I would come home for the summer this year!" I yell into my phone like a mad women.

"Honey I'm so, so, so sorry! Your step mom and your sisters just made your favorite cupcakes, pizza, and chips! So I thought I would take them out for being so nice! But then I said I would take them out tomorrow and I'm so sorry sweetheart!" My dad says but a part of me knows he's faking a part of that - it must have been a speech. 

I grit my teeth against each other. 

"Don't expect me to be coming to this house for this summer, or the next or the one after that! I'm done with you and your perfect little family forgetting I exist then remembering me and when you do, you guys treat me like some sort of freak! I thought you guys were taken by monsters when I came by!" I hysterically scream into my phone in fury. 

A bunch of x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now