Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Chapter 7

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*Trigger warning* There will be mention of abuse, blood and wounds(described). If these things disturb you please do not read this chapter.  

Hunter's POV

"...He's...the reason I have these scars..." Hunter gulped looking anywhere but the people in the room with him. "Wha-then why are you trying so hard to get back to him!?" Luz asked shocked, Hunter looked up at her like it was obvious "Who knows what he would do if I didnt go back to him!" "WHO KNOWS WHAT HE WOULD DO IF YOU DID!" Luz shouted making Hunter recoil further into the room. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything at all" Hunter said quietly, closing his eyes as if getting ready for a strike, "N-No, I'm sorry Hunter, you don't have to be sorry I shouldn't have shouted at you it wasn't the right thing to do in this situation" Luz said touching Hunter's shoulder. "Hey you ok Kid?" Eda asked Hunter, he just looked away and averted any eye contact. Eda took Luz by the hand and whispered quietly, probably hoping that Hunter wouldn't hear, "C'mon let's give him some space". Luz and Eda walked out of the room, Amity turned around making a circle with her finger, untying Hunter's bonds before giving him a warning glare and a sympathetic look and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. Hunter heard the lock click in the door I guess they're taking precautions  he thought But why do they want to keep me here why do they care, its either: They don't want me back on the other side fighting against them, or...they.. actually care about... me.  Thoughts like these kept running through Hunter's head, keeping him awake. "It's ok, It's ok" He whispered to himself "You're fine, You're fine" he tried reassuring himself, but even he couldn't ignore the fact that he was shaking. 

*half and hour later*

Hunter was feeling much better after he rested for a bit, he could feel his normal personality coming back. Hunter heard an anxious Luz ranting on about how she was worried. "I didn't mean to make him scared or anything!" Luz said anxiously "I mean-whatifheneverforgivesmenowandhe'llhatemeforeverandwecanneverbefriendsandhethinksI'mscaryorsomething-" "No offense Human, but I don't think I can ever be 'scared' of you..." Hunter called out from the next room over, interrupting Luz as if it was the most obvious thing ever. And to kind of was.

Luz's POV

*this is what happens while Hunter is resting and questioning his existence* 

Eda lead Luz out of Hunters room/cell thingo, "Huh...............I guess he really is a sad but bad boy-" "Eda- what if I've just made him worse now! What if he won't ever trust me again!" Luz cuts Eda off right at the end of her sentence. "Hey Luz, I'm sure it'll be fine. How about we call Gus and Willow over here and the four of you can have a sleepover!" Eda suggests. Hooty bursts through the window "I'll get my stuff ready!" "No Hooty not you! Luz, Willow, Gus and Amity!" Eda tells Hooty annoyed. "yeah ok!" Luz said perking up at the suggestion, "Hey Amity you call Willow, I'll call Gus" Amity gives Luz a thumbs up and goes to call Willow. 

Amity's POV

*15 minutes later*

Knock Knock 

"I'll get it" Amity says walking downstairs. "Oh hey Willow! Gus just got here a bit before you!" Luz says walking up behind Amity and giving Willow a hug. "C'mon lets go play truth or dare!" Luz said running off into her room. 

*10 minutes later*

"I didn't mean to make him scared or anything!" Luz said ranting to Amity outside her room so that Willow and Gus wouldn't know about Hunter "I mean-whatifheneverforgivesmenowandhe'llhatemeforeverandwecanneverbefriendsandhethinksI'mscaryorsomething-" "No offense Human, but I don't think I can ever be 'scared' of you..." Hunter called out from the room they were keeping him in. "Who was that?" Gus asked, "Oh-heh...funny story" Luz said opening the door to her room and leading them to the one Hunter was being kept in. "We kinda...found Hunter and now... he's here..." Luz said opening the door, "THE GOLDEN GUARD?!" Willow and Gus said in unison, Hunter seemed amused by their reaction. "Why is he here?!" Willow asked slightly alarmed "Well, we found him kinda beaten up by who  we now know to be Emperor Belos and then we fixed him the best we could, and now he's here". "And he doesn't have an trauma at all?" Gus asked "Oh no he definitely has PTSD" Luz replied. "Hey, can you stop treating me like a zoo animal?" Hunter asked his usual 'always slightly annoyed teenager' vibe flowing back very quickly, Amity hated Hunter, which is why it didnt surprise anyone when she said "Well you kinda look like one so why don't we treat you like one?" "Amity!" Luz said pulling her aside "C'mon Amity, let's try be nice. He's just admitted he has trauma !" Amity rolled her eyes, not at Luz (she would never do that!), but at the ridiculousness of the situation surely he was lying or something like that but even Amity had to admit it really didn't look like he was lying .


Heyy, sorry this chapter took so long to get out. In this afternoon's chapter there's going to be a lot more Amity/Hunter hate sessions. 

Anyway i hope you enjoyed the chapter! Byyyyeeeeee

((I just realised... i forgot to give this chapter a title 😅😅))

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