An Unexpected Encounter - Chapter 2

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Hunter's POV

It had been around 2 hours since 'The Incident' - as Hunter dubbed it in his journal - and Hunter had not moved from his place on his bed, except to write in his journal and to curl himself up in a ball on his bed. Flapjack seemed to be quite tired of this behavior and flew to land on the side of Hunter's head, Hunter attemped to wave the bird away, but Flapjack was not having it. Sighing, Hunter sat up, wincing as a sharp pain shot through his side. "What?" Hunter asked, struggling to keep his eyes open, Flapjack chirped once. "No, I don't really want to go to the library...but, maybe we could go for a walk in the forest?" Hunter suggested, Flapjack seemed to like this idea but chirped worriedly at Hunter's wounds, maybe wanting him to address them? "Aw these? Nah it's fine" Hunter said waving his hand dissmisavly at Flapjack, who didn't seem convinced but turned into his staff form anyway. Hunter picked up his mask and placed it on his face - not because he had anything to hide...obviously - before creeping out of his room and out through the front of the castle towards the forest...not too far away from our treasured heros... 

Hunter was limping painfully around the forest, although he refused to admit it his vision was extremely blurry and he could hardly walk. Chirp  Hunter looked next to him and managed to make out the shape of Flapjack hovering next to him. "Hey bird" he paused as Flapjack chirped again, Hunter kicked up a pile of leaves pushing the strong musky odour of rotting leaves "No, Flapjack really I'm fine!" Hunter replied. Chirp "Ugh, fine! But only for a little bit ok?"  Cheep cheep. Hunter sighed and sat down leaning against a tree. The ground was slightly damp and there was still the scent of rotting leaves lingering in the air. He clutched his head, he could feel the blood dripping down his face under his mask. 

At some point he must have fallen asleep because Hunter woke with a start when he heard, "HOOT HOOT" some kind of owl-worm burst out of the ground scaring The Owl Lady "Agh! Hooty I told you we dont have time for this!" "I dunno, that was pretty funny" The Rat-Dog said laughing. Hunter quickly pushed himself behind the tree he was under and hissed quietly in pain, unfortunately for him though Eda heard him step on a twig "King, did ya hear that?" Eda asked, Hunter held his breath "Hear what?" King asked "i reckon its nothing". Hunter let out his breath as he heard them pass the tree, after a few seconds he let it out but then, without warning the Owl Lady was in front of him "AHA! GOTCHA!" Eda yelled grabbing Hunter and pushing him out into the clearing. Hunter yelped in both pain and surprise, Eda didn't seem to hear him as she ran towards him throwing him into the tree behind him, "Don't you have something to say Golden Guard~" She said mockingly, he fell onto his knees and started coughing. Again Eda didn't seem to notice, and landed a kick in his face knocking his mask off. Hunter had another coughing fit, only now did Eda finally seemed to notice something was up, she realised that the boy was coughing up blood and now that she could see his face she noticed that Hunter had several wounds on the side of his face. "Oh...." was all the managed to say "oh...shit..." she mumbled "Hooty! Get this kid back to the owl house" Eda commanded. "Yes ma'am!" Hooty said wrapping himself around Hunter, Hunter tried to struggle out of Hooty's grasp but felt his head get increasingly lighter, and he began to see stars in his vision, at some point he lost consciousness. 

Luz's POV

"Ok I'll be right there" Amity said laughing as Luz made a funny face. "Ok see you soon!" Luz replied smiling she hung up the phone and Luz felt so happy. She loved her girlfriend, and now that Eda, King and Hooty were out doing who knows what, Luz could finally have some time with Amity. 

*15 Minutes later*

Knock Knock  Luz rushed downstairs to answer the door "Amity!" Luz said hugging Amity "Hi Luz!" Amity said hugging her back. " So what do you wanna do?" Amity asked, Luz shrugged "We could play hexes hold 'em?" Amity suggested "sure, why not?"

*1.5 hours later*

"Luz! Come open the door, I don't have any hands to knock or open it myself!" Eda shouted up from the door, Luz looked at the door to her room and then at Amity "I'll go get that..." Luz said, kissing Amity on the cheek before leaving the room to open the door, leaving Amity to sit in her gay panic. 


Heyy, thats 555 words! its ok, anyway I'll either write chapter 3 this evening or tomorrow morning so itll be out by tomorrow mid-late morning.

I hope you liked this chapter! I'm sure you all know exactly whose standing outside the door XD. See you later, Byyyeeeee

Oh hey! It's me again! Future Indigo :P anyway, so it's actually 891 words, so pretty short...but hey, I didn't have heaps to work with...

Aaaaaannnyyyyywaaaayyyyy~ I'll see y'all in the next chapter...

Future Indigo out~

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