Yesterday's Lie - Chapter 10

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Hunter's POV

"We're back! And we brought help!" Eda shouted to everyone making Hunter flinch, "Help for what?" Luz said turning to look at Eda "Who do you think?" Eda moved to sit on the couch but king beat her to it. "Uh-who...? So we're talking about a person here?" Edric said raising an eyebrow, "Yes! Holy Titan how do you not know who we're helping!" Eda said throwing her arms up. "Get to the point" Hunter said crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair, "Ok, geez Mr. Boring" Eda said standing up from her spot on the couch next to King "I found a way to help Luz and Hunter!"

 *The Next Morning*

"Ok so let me get this straight, We are sending Lu-uh-The Human, down into this mixed up wonky portal that she could potentially get trapped in forever, so she can see her Mum?" Hunter asked, he tried to hide it but he had a small glint of worry in his tone, "Yup! She'll be fine! We have a rope tied around her waist so if it closes we can pull her out" Eda said tightening the rope around Luz's middle. "Ok then...I'm going to be inside" Hunter called out as he walked back inside, "Chirp!" Rascal said as he landed on Hunters head "No I am not!" Hunter said crossing his arms before sitting down on a chair near the window next to the portal thing Luz just went through. Suddenly someone appeared in the reflection of the window "Woah, I think I'm in the reflection!" "Luz!?" Hunter jumped back, startled "Hunter? Huh I am in the reflection" Luz said looking around before disappearing from the reflection. "Heh, weird" Hunter said before deciding to go upstairs to the room he'd been kept in for the past couple of days. "HELLO!" a loud voice said making Hunter jump "-uh-hi? bird-worm thing..." "SOMEONE IS AT THE DOOR!!!!" Hooty yelled making Hunter jump, again, as he wiggled out the window he came through. Hunter decided to take a better look at his 'room' before he went downstairs to open the door. It was made from dark wood like the rest of the house, it had a medium sized yellow sleeping bag in the middle of the room "I wonder if that's a coincidence" Hunter said to himself. There was also a window near his sleeping bag, and a chest of drawers in the corner of the room with a table next to it. Hunter sighed and decided to walked downstairs to answer the door, when he arrived at the door he heard Hooty talking to the person on the other side. Hunter opened the door and Amity was standing there looking very annoyed, "Tell me Hunter, what did you do to Luz!" she asked Hunter walking in and pointing her staff at his neck "Geez calm down Blight, I don't know what you're talking about!" Hunter said holding his hands up "Then why did I see Luz in my window when she wasn't in the room!" Amity poked Hunter's chest with her staff. "Ohhhhh that! I-" "AHA SO IT WAS YOU!!" Amity said pushing Hunter onto the couch and tying his wrist to the arm of it with abomination goo before she called out to Eda.

King's POV

"EDA!!" Amity shouted from inside, "King you go check what's up I have to stay here" Eda sighed  "Ok" King said getting up and walking into the house. "Hey guys what's happening..." King trailed off when he saw Amity threatening Hunter who was bound to the couch "um-I'm out" King said before turning on his heels and leaving the house. "So what was it King?" Eda asked when King came back "Oh...Nothing it was fine". Just then the portal started closing, Eda and king started pulling Luz out. After a little bit a very shaken Luz popped out of the portal just before it closed, "Luz!" King and Eda said hugging her

*10 minutes later* 

Hunter's POV

"What did you do!?!" Amity was still asking Hunter questions "I told you already! I didn't do anything!" Hunter protested. Just then the door opened and Luz, King and Eda walked in "Luz!" Amity said running over to her girlfriend and hugging her. "Woah what happened here?" Eda asked as she walked in and saw Hunter with his wrist bound to the couch and his other hand pinching the bridge of his nose, an annoyed look on his face. "Can you please tell Blight that I didn't do anything to Luz- I mean-uh-The Human?" Hunter said the tips of his ears going red in embarrassment. 


Ok! Thats Part 10, so I've looked back on some of my chapters and I think that something has gone wrong cuz some of the chapters are posted late and I'm not entirely sure what's going on but hopefully we can fix it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for chapter 11 :D. C u later, Byyyyeeeeeeee

Trust Issues - Hunter/Golden GuardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora