The Incident - Chapter 1

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Hunter's POV

"If you really wanna help then give me that key!" Hunter shouted breaking the cord around the Blight girl's neck, Amity caught the key and held a spike to his neck. The fight came to a stand still, but all Hunter could think about was what would happen if he didn't return to the castle with the key. His mind raced until it landed on a slightly manipulative option but he'd already taken that path many times today, so he wasn't about to change his mind "Listen, you're strong and I'm tired. If this continues you'll probably escape...but here's the thing, we know where to find you...and your Human..." Hunter said breathlessly. Amity gasped her annoyed demeanour fading away in an instant, "So just...hand it over..." Hunter panted. Amity clasped the key and a small crack could be heard but Hunter either didnt notice or didnt care "Fine" Amity said giving in "Just...stay away from Luz". Hunter held out his hand implying he agreed to these terms and Amity pulled the spike away from his neck, relaxing her hand and allowing the key to be taken by gravity. Hunter reached down to the key and caught it in his hand, "Appreciate it" Hunter sighed, relieved "I-uh-mean that, too" he glanced back slightly, before the cardinal palisman turned into a staff and they both flew up through the canopy above. Leaving Amity crouched at the edge of the bone-dry lake, her hand tensed in a fist.

*2 hours later*

Hunter lay on his bed his hands covering his face, he groaned, but sat up when he heard Flapjack chirping on the window sill "oh, hey bird" he said flatly. Flapjack flew up onto his head and chirped at the fairly sizable wound on Hunter's left arm. "oh, that? its nothing really Belos just said he needed to remind me not to disobey direct orders" Hunter said in a very convincing voice, that would have sold Flapjack, if Hunter hadn't winced when he landed on his head. "oh crap" Hunter said, his eyes widening in disbelief "Flapjack! Do you remember when I was holding the key and then you came and landed on my hand? Well I completely forgot until now! But the portal key had a huge crack in it!". Hunter stood up and started pacing the room "Uncle isn't going to be very happy with this I-" he was interupted by a knock at his door "Golden Guard?" a scout said, Hunter - who was wearing his golden guard attire - walked over to the door. "Yes?" he asked opening the door to see the scout "The Emperor requires to see you in the throne room" the scout said. "oh, tell him I'll be right there...I want to say...Jeff?" Hunter replied, his usual 'golden guard personality' very apparent. The guard seemed slightly put-off "Steve, sir" the scout replied and Hunter clicked his fingers as if remembering something "Ah, Steve that's right, weren't you and Lillith quite...close?" he asked in a joking tone. The scout didn't really seem to know what to say to that so Hunter just chuckled and walked past him "You know, maybe I'll be able to get to the throne room before you can even tell The Emperor I'm coming~" Hunter said turning around to face the guard and walking backwards, Steve scoffed but rushed off, Hunter's confident demeanour leaving with him.

Belos' POV

"Hello Hunter" Belos greeted Hunter coldly not looking up from what he was doing "I noticed the portal key has a crack in it, quite a large one too" Belos finally looked up from what he was doing. Hunter bowed his head slightly, closing the door behind him and walking to kneel in front of Belos. Oh Hunter, you truly have messed up this time Belos thought, shaking his head slightly "No need for your mask here Hunter, it's just the two of us"

Kikimora's POV

Kikimora huffed in annoyance as she rounded the corner towards the throne room, she was going to report The Golden Guard to The Emperor as he had been at Eclipse Lake even though the job had been assigned to her. She was about halfway there when she realised that she had failed her mission and reporting The Golden Guard wouldn't help her. But still Kiki pressed on, and made it to the front of the throne room, she was about to open the door when she heard that someone was already inside. She was about to turn and walk away, when she heard a familiar voice "U-uncle I-" The Golden Guard started but got cut off by something resulting in a quiet whimper. Kiki - who now had her ear pressed against the door - almost felt sorry for him, almost.

Hunter's POV

"It's just the two of us today" Hunter broke out into a cold sweat looking at his feet. "Hunter...look at me" Belos instructed in a threatening voice. Hunter quickly looked up at his Uncle. "So Hunter" Belos spat out Hunter's name like it was a bad strawberry "not only did you sneak out, you also came back with nothing but a cracked key-" "-U-uncle I-" Hunter was cut off by a long spike scraping above his eyebrow "DO NOT INTERUPT ME" Belos roared. Hunter yelped in surprise, Belos sighed "you have been irresponsible and rude, I would have let you off the hook but the way you gave spoken to me? Is this the thanks I get for taking you in? No matter" Belos clicked his fingers and two abomatons stomped over holding onto Hunter's arms he flinched when one touched his left forearm. Belos summoned his staff and Hunter closed his eyes and braced for impact.

Steve's POV

Steve was stationed down the hallway from the throne room, and yet he could still hear The Golden Guard's scream of pain "Must be the medics trying to fix up something from a mission" the scout next to Steve said, Steve nodded "Yeah, must be" he agreed, but both of them knew that wasn't the case.

Hunter's POV

Hunter cried out in pain as a second zap hit him. "Do you understand now?" Belos said "Do NOT disobey me Hunter, after all I have done for you" Belos shook his head in disspointment before clicking his fingers at the abomatons "Dismissed" Belos said turning away from Hunter - who was now shaking but still kneeling in front of Belos - " I said dismissed" Belos repeated and Hunter managed to pull himself up and make his way to the door, placing his mask over his face and pulling his hood up. Hunter was still shaking but he managed to pull himself together, before pulling the doors open and stepping out, closing the doors behind him. Hunter narrowed his eyes at the corner of the hallway, he could have sworn he'd seen the back of a certain blue and red head.


Heyy, so 782 words!! not bad

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, chapter two will be out either later today or tomorrow!

Ok cu later!! Byyyeeee

Not me looking back at this 14 weeks later and rewriting it :P

Anyway, that's 1211 words, pretty good :). Also, let's just pretend that Hunter already has his mask back :3

Love y'all!! Byyyyeeeeeeeeeee~

-Indigo <3

Last edited: 28/03/2022, Australian time 

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