Luo Lingsheng made a short breath and asked back, "Yes, we are a fake marriage, and we haven't made it public yet, but what about in the future?"

"Other wealthy families will know about your marriage relationship sooner or later. Are you still going to act so recklessly? Let them watch Second Young Master Shi drinking in a nightclub? Or even being harassed by a group of alcoholics and gangsters like just now?"

"You can spend the Qixi Festival with others, and you can also go out and play on Valentine's Day in the future. Even if we have a fake marriage, in the eyes of others, they will only think that I and you, Shi Yunnan, have lived separately."

Luo Lingsheng changed from the calmness he used to get along with in the past, and the coldness in his tone could almost freeze a person's bones.

"Then what is the purpose of our contract marriage?"


Shi Yunan was stuck, unable to pick out a single word to refute.

"I know that Second Young Master Shi has been used to playing abroad over the years, but you still think it doesn't matter if you can still be like this after 'agreement to get married'..."

Luo Lingsheng looked away and said in a low voice, "I can't help you."

He took off his glasses and closed his eyes, as if he was unwilling to talk to Shi Yunnan any more.

The atmosphere in the car froze.

The drunkenness that climbed silently overwhelmed the sanity of the brain, and Shi Yunnan had an urge for no reason—

He quickly unfastened the seat belt on the seat, got up and squeezed between Luo Lingsheng's seat and the partition of the car. He put his hands on the sides of the seat and looked at the sitting man face to face.

In just three seconds, Shi Yunnan locked Luo Lingsheng within his controllable range.

"What are you doing?" Luo Lingsheng frowned slightly, "Sit down and fasten your seat belt, don't make a fool of yourself."

"I don't, let's make it clear first."

Shi Yunnan resolutely vetoed, and his eyes soaked in alcohol looked very bullying.

He sighed and suddenly put on a serious look, "Luo Lingsheng, it's my fault today."

"It's my fault that I didn't change my 'married' status for a while, and I forgot to go to a nightclub. If something goes wrong, it will lead to your reputation."

With the most provocative gesture, he said an extremely soft apology.

Such a contrast is like a little fox who is arrogant and domineering every day, suddenly wagging its tail to show its belly softly.

Luo Lingsheng stared at the person close at hand, and his cold aura subsided unconsciously, "Second Master Shi, is this an apology?"

"Well, I promise this is the last time, and I'll never go to that kind of **** again..."

Shi Yunnan was keenly aware of the change in Luo Lingsheng's attitude.

As he was talking, an unreasonable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he deliberately leaned closer, "I really know I'm wrong, don't be angry, okay? Husband~"

Shi Yunnan's eyes were full of drunken water, and his smile was sparkling, and his cunning expression reminded people of a common saying—

Get cheap and sell well.

Knowing that this 'husband' was just a deliberate joke, it still made people's thoughts fall.

"Bars and nightclubs are too mixed, you can't go if you can't go." Luo Lingsheng didn't stop him completely, adding, "If you are really bored and want to go, let me know in advance."

After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled TyrantWhere stories live. Discover now