Chapter 19 Home

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Dex: Or?

Drake: They might've left us cause of something else.

The three looked back out at the ocean.

Drake: Do you guys have anywhere to go?

Arong: Not really. The open road has been our home more or less.

Dex: It's true, we've never really found a place where we can settle down.

Drake: (smiles) Good! Then join Fairy Tail!

Both: What?

Drake: (looks towards them) Join Fairy Tail! As a guild we'll have your backs no matter what.

Dex: Ehhhhhh.....

Arong: I don't know.

Drake: (sighs) Look guys at least come with us when we head back to Magnolia. See what it's like before you judge it and plus....if there's our parents are still alive we owe it to them to find out!

The two looked at Drake in shock as he continued.

Drake: (Looks out to see) I don't know the reason for us meeting. Call it what you want, A chance meeting, an accident, hell it can be fate! Whatever it is there's HAS to be reason we met. Just like me meeting Natsu and i know me and Natsu meeting Gajeel couldn't have been a coincidence as well.

Drake looks back at them with a determined look.

Drake: Join Fairy Tail guys and together we can fight side by side with our guild. And together we can solve the real reason why our parents left.

Drake then outstretched his hand in their direction with a smile that showed his fangs.

Drake: After all, us Dragon slayers gotta stick together, right? So please help me you two take my hand, join my clan and help find our parents

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Drake: After all, us Dragon slayers gotta stick together, right? So please help me you two take my hand, join my clan and help find our parents.

The two of them looked at Drake almost awestruck. Never had they heard a speech with such passion and power behind it. Arong was the first one to react with a chuckle. This confused Drake as Arong began to speak.

Arong: Your words were strong and confident and inspired me. Yep you're definitely the Dragon Lord's son......i'll see Fairy Tail.

Dex:.....I'll see what it's like to. Besides it's better to search with other people than by yourself.

The two of them reached out and grabbed on. With Arong grabbing his forearm and Dex grabbing his hand.

Dex: I agree to follow you in hopes of finding my lost mother.

Fairy Tail: Tale of The Dragon Lord (Adopted By Julius123489)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat