"Yeah. I'll just stand across the street and shout, 'Okay, you're under arrest, just sit there until somebody comes along to get you!' I'm sure it won't be a problem. They're both so cooperative normally, you know."

Sarcasm was not a Praxatillian trait, but Mukryilla had become adept at recognizing it through long exposure. "That will do, Lieutenant. We would prefer you not make any approach personally. I'm sure all concerned would find it awkward at best. We merely ask you to report back on their position, and let a non-sensitive team handle the retrieval."

"All nice vague military terms that basically mean you're going to send goons in to grab my sister and lock her up somewhere. For her own good, of course."

"Scotty, if you do not think you can perform this duty, then I suggest you ask to be excused from it. It will not reflect on your record."

"The hell with my record! It's my sister I'm worried about!"

She glanced around to make sure no one else in the room was paying attention to their conversation. "That is enough, Scotty. I can't do anything about how this has to play out politically. I appreciate that you are frustrated and worried. But there is a limit to how much insubordination I can tolerate in one conversation, and you have reached it."

Scotty struggled with himself for a moment before overcoming his temper. "Yes, ma'am."

"You will not be ordered to accept this assignment."

"I accept it. I want it. It's just...." He waved a hand in frustration.

"Scotty," Mukryilla said gently, "Sabrina does not ever have to know that you were the one to find her."

Scotty snorted as he got to his feet. "Do you really think she doesn't already know exactly what's going on back here? If she were in Mara's shoes she'd be doing the exact same thing. I'm not afraid she's going to blame me for doing my job."

"Then what is the problem?"

He grimaced. "I'm afraid I'm going to blame myself. No, forget it. Let's just get this over with," he resolved. "What's my transport?"

"The Tirqwin and Khediva have volunteered. They feel their own knowledge of Earth and Sabrina's past may be useful."

"Okay." He turned to go.

"Scotty," she called after him.


She hesitated. "Good luck."

He tossed her a salute, then turned and left the room.


Scotty was still in a disgruntled mood when he got back to Khediva. He hadn't even bothered to go by his quarters while on the planet; he wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. So while he was always pleased to see Aurora, he also wanted her to leave so they could break orbit. "Hi. You didn't have to see me off; I'm sure we won't be gone that long. But I appreciate it anyway."

She smiled gently. "I'm not seeing you off, Scotty. I'm going with you. I'm the Realm observer."

"God dammit!" he shouted, surprising them both. "How am I supposed to do this stupid job with somebody hanging over my shoulder every step of the way? If they don't trust me, they shouldn't send me!"

"It is not about trust, Scotty," Aurora replied, her expression schooled into a bland mask. "It is about political necessity. If we fail, an objective observer must be able to tell the Realm constituents that a valid attempt was made. No one would be surprised if Sabrina and Ford's family chose to aid and abet their escape instead of forcing them into confinement."

"This is great. Just great. Not only do I have to snitch on my sister, but then they send you along to snitch on me! Way to totally screw up my life! Couldn't you come up with somewhere else you had to be?"

Aurora's diplomacy faltered just long enough to allow a glint of anger through. "The place I had to be was with you, or so I believed. It has always been my preference. If it is unwise, I am sorry, but it is done now. You may resent me for doing my job if you insist, but do not resent me for caring about your well-being."

Scotty grimaced and rubbed at his face. "Sweetheart, in about twenty minutes I'm going to be really sorry about this whole conversation."

"Then I will go and review the files on Earth Commander Mukryilla sent me for about twenty minutes," she said, surprising him with a brief kiss on her way back to the living quarters.

Tirqwin arrived on the control deck as Aurora was leaving it. "Let us get this over with," he grumbled. Khediva was uncharacteristically silent.

Scotty grimaced. He knew from experience that Khediva wasn't large enough to hold him and Tirqwin when they were both in bad moods. "As quickly as possible," he agreed.

The Haunted Way (Champions of the Crystal Book 5)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن