"It wasn't exactly voluntary," Sabrina said.

"You just let me know when you want me to call the police," Cynthia said. "But first, introduce me to your friend."

"Um..." Sabrina regarded Ford for a moment, and relaxed a little when she felt his mind touch hers reassuringly, willing to let her take the lead. "This is Ford. He's, ah, not from around here. I've been with his people for the past several years, helping them. We've made enemies. We got into a bit of trouble, and there are people looking for us. Nothing criminal, I promise."

"You don't need to tell me that," Cynthia sighed, leaning back in her chair. "Kath said the CIA had recruited you, but I thought she was pulling my leg."

"She was. How is Kath?" Sabrina smiled.

"Fine. I hear from her sporadically. The last report was that she's living on a beach in California somewhere. I got an invitation to a gallery show she did, so her sculpting must be taking off a bit. But don't change the subject, Sabrina. What kind of trouble exactly?"

"It's not espionage, Cynthia. More a...more like a humanitarian aid thing." How to sum up her years of service to Praxatillus? Impossible to find a simple phrase that could encompass all she had been and done.

"Hm." Cynthia cast a critical eye over Ford. Then she leaned forward and extended her hand. "I'm Cynthia Grayson. I'm a pediatrician, but if you're willing to take some expert advice, let me get you something for the fever you're obviously running. And then I'd recommend rest."

"Sounds good," Sabrina answered for him as he shook Cynthia's hand. "He did most of the heavy lifting, getting us here."

Cynthia rose, returning a minute later with two capsules and a glass of water. As she handed them to Ford, she asked, "Do you speak English?"

Ford glanced at Sabrina, who said, "Yes, but he's so exhausted it's probably not coming to him at the moment. Let's get him into a bed. I'm sure he'll feel more talkative tomorrow. Usually I can't shut him up."

"Right. Give me a minute to put sheets on the guest bed," Cynthia replied.

When she had left the room, Ford said, "Are you certain we will be safe here?"

"Ford," Sabrina admonished him. "You know all about Cynthia. How can you ask me that?"

"She..." He hesitated, and she realized in surprise that he was struggling with his words, and that he was speaking Praxatillian for the first time since they'd left Pharo. "How can she defend us from what we're up against? She seems so...ordinary."

Sabrina sighed. "It's okay, Ford. Once upon a time, I was ordinary too."


Sabrina woke the following morning to the glorious feeling of her native sun on her face and the almost-forgotten smell of coffee. She shifted, burrowing her face more deeply into the pillow, and savored the feel and scent of cotton washed in a familiar detergent. For a moment she could imagine herself back in time, a normal teenager with her parents safely at home, spending the night at a friend's house merely for the fun of it. Except, of course, for the pair of warm arms that tightened around her in response to her slight movement.

Sighing, she wondered how she was going to explain all this to Cynthia. Ford had become extremely needy last night, forcing her to abandon her plan to sleep in the other room almost before it formed and preventing the private conversation she knew Cynthia was expecting. Sabrina had assumed, when she first thought of coming to Cynthia, that Ford would charm her friend, as he did most people. But in his current state he was hardly likely to make a favorable impression. Cynthia was a wise and fairly non-judgmental friend, but if she decided that Ford was a burden to Sabrina, she would be less inclined to offer unconditional help.

The Haunted Way (Champions of the Crystal Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now