I looked at Olfred, raising a brow. As he walked past me, he muttered, "Bah. Code names," as if embarrassed.

I couldn't help but let out a wry smile before trailing behind the two lances.

As I passed the guard and stepped through the hidden door, I could immediately sense the change in atmosphere. We were in a large circular room with a high-rise ceiling made entirely of glass. The room was simply decorated, with only a long, rectangular table at the very back. Six chairs, each seated with one of the members of the Council, were facing the three of us, scrutinizing me with different expressions.

"Your Majesties." Olfred and Varay both bowed towards the Council as the former kings and queens rose from their seats. I stood still, not bowing to the Council.

A husky voice boomed, "Ignorant! Do you think you're above the Lances? You should at least take a knee as a sign of respect." I looked up to see the former dwarf king, Dawsid Greysunders, with a bushy brown beard spilling from his chin and covering his upper torso. He wore a leather armor adorned with decorations that seemed to be restraining his muscles rather than protecting them. However, his soft, uncalloused hand twiddling the gold wine flute made me wonder if those muscles were just for show.

"Shut up," I snapped, unleashing Dragon Fear. Two other Lances were in the room, making the situation more challenging. My pressure focused on everyone but the elven Lance and the Dwarven royalty. The king and queen were both pressed, and the other Lances were kneeling.

But I was livid. My pressure increased, causing the weaker Lances to fall close to the ground with their faces. Even Varay knelt under my pressure. I spoke with a tone of rudeness, "I came here to see what the grand Council had planned when they called me the savior of Xyrus City and the human and elven princesses, only to try and prosecute me."

The human king flinched, and the queen widened her eyes. "Hah," I laughed slightly. "Your Majesty, did you hide the news about your beloved daughter? How corrupt Lucas Wykes threatened to rape her?"

The queen gasped and whispered into her husband's ears.

"Need I remind you that we are here as leaders of this damned continent, not fathers?" Dawsid interjected, pounding his fists on the table. "This boy mutilated one of his fellow schoolmates before killing him. Shall I read the description one of the scouts so kindly sent to us?"

"Both legs, crushed into mush past the mid-thigh. Left arm, dismember and cauterized past the elbow. Right arm, frozen and crushed. Genitals..." As the former dwarf king continued to read off of the scroll, even he seemed to have a hard time saying what was coming up next. "Genitals, along with the pelvic bone, crushed and—"

With a confident tone, I spoke up, "All I did was seek revenge. He dared to lay a hand on the one I love, so he deserved what he got." Even Dawsid, who had been so vocal before, fell silent at my words. However, he couldn't resist a jab, "And who might your lovely girlfriend be?"

I shot a glance at Priscilla, who seemed to understand my gesture and gasped. "You're dating Kathyln?" she exclaimed, causing the rest of the Council members to stare at us in surprise. I simply nodded my head in confirmation.

With a dismissive shake of my head, I continued, "I didn't come here to bicker with you old fools who can't even stand up and fight for our continent. Instead, you're busy discussing what to do with a boy who went a little too far for revenge."

My words seemed to strike a nerve with the entire Council, and even the human king flinched at my brazenness. Just as Dawsid was about to retort, I cut him off, "Isn't it time for you to show up already?" The Lances all tensed, sensing the danger in my words.

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