Levitating (17)

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Xion's PoV

When the dinner with my brother is finally over Yuri asks for my car keys. "Why do you need them?" "I told you this afternoon Xion, are you not listening to me? We have most of the week free from shooting, I'll take you wherever I want this week and it starts tonight."

So it does.

She turns on the radio and rolls the windows down. She sings along to the sappy love songs on the radio and nudges me to join "No way. Also, did you know you're a terrible singer?" She sticks her tongue out "Do you have to be such a buzzkill? I follow your orders without question... mostly."

"Mostly," I notice the smile plastered on my face and the weight of the evening lifting. "You're still not singing, if you don't like the song find something you like," Her eyes sparkle from the lights passing us by, I want her to keep looking at me like that but she turns her head back to the road.

She pulls the car to a halt at the seaside. "I.. At Jeju I wanted sit under the stars with you, so I thought we could do it now." She's out of the car before I can blink. She tosses her shoes away and unties her hair as she runs towards the sea. I watch her for a bit, then I take my shoes off as well and join her.

"I feel so much better now," "What, you were not feeling well?" I couldn't tell at all. "Well, you know I left this lifestyle behind. Of course, I was feeling pressured. All the rules of etiquette we need to follow and there's the fact that they are your family, I'd hate to leave a bad impression." Sorry to put you through that, I want to say, but the words don't surface for some reason. She doesn't seem to be waiting for an answer as she plops down on the sand.

"You look like a plant with the green dress," I say. She pouts "You picked the dress." "I know," I smile and sit down beside her. "A really cute plant," I add under my breath. She raises a brow.

"Alright, let's do this the easy way, we'll play a question game, I ask, you answer vice versa. That way I'll learn your weaknesses and use them against you." "Alright," "I knew it," she exclaims "Games are one of them, I'll be sure to use this information in the future. Before we start you need to promise honesty," "Is that so?" she holds her hand out for a pinky promise, I take it and seal it by bringing our thumbs together. It takes me back to the countless times we have done it as kids.

I lost track of time answering Yuri's silly questions. What is your favorite month, what would you be if you were an animal, food questions, sweet or savory, why did you keep doing makeup, do you have other hobbies...

Sometimes it gets more serious, why is your relationship with your brother the way it is? Do you also think you're your grandfather's favorite? Do you want to take over the business one day? "Do you really care about me?" I freeze for a few seconds and the pause is enough to make her jump back to her feet. "Don't worry, I was joking." She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"I have another thing prepared. Do you remember the time, when.." she takes out sparklers from somewhere hidden in her dress and pushes some into my hands. I watch as she lights them on fire.

The stars at the backdrop vanish and it's as if I caught them in my hands instead. I can't see Yuri's expression in the dark as I take her hands in mine.


Yuri's PoV

I'll make him fall for me. My convection gets stronger each passing day. First, we go to my favorite patisserie, I take him to the places I worked part-time jobs as a student. We watch Ravn's new movie together and make fun of his cringy lines. I take him to a second-hand shop and dress him in ridiculous outfits for my amusement.

I missed my chance the night I took him to the beach but for the rest of the week, I bring my camera with me. At first, he opposed the idea of being photographed but I convinced him by saying we wouldn't make a believable fake couple without any photos.

"I'm gonna need you to erase that frown from your face." His frown deepens as he shuffles away from the giant stuffed bear. "Come onn, I've seen you do it before, you can smile!" Finally, he does, I click the shutter and run to his side before the timer runs out.

I check the photo and a giggle escapes my lips, "Not a smile but I love the look of fear as I jump to hug you." I've been purposefully pointing out things I love to him. But this, this piece of art is invaluable. It's too genuine, me in mid-air, Xion his arms raised to either catch me or push me away when I fall in his embrace. The innocent giant stuffed toy witnessing this historical moment in the background.

I won the bear for Xion from a booth in the amusement park we just came out of. People stream around us, in or out of the park but they don't matter. I can't really see anyone but him. "Let's go," I say in a sing-song voice. "We have other stops tonight."

Xion genuinely looked out of place in most of the places I took him this week. But it gets to another level as we walk into the night market. All around us life bustles, passersby chat loudly, the vendors try to lure customers in, sizzling of the oils and crack of bread and drinks being poured mix with music from far away...

Xion gets closer to me and links his arm with mine. "Afraid you'll lose me?" I ask cheekily, "The lost lamb look in your face is so precious, keep doing that expression. I need to get a photo." A frown replaces his expression in response to that. I shrug, I can make him look that way again, and then I'll be the wiser and not warn him before I take the picture.

I'm delighted with having him pressed close to me in the crowd, he takes in all of the surroundings as we walk and I let him. I come to a stop in front of a vendor that I know to be the best fishcake seller in the market. The old lady greets me immediately. She pinches my cheek and smiles brightly, "Aigoo, it's been too long my pretty girl, I was afraid you moved away!" she makes eyes at Xion, ignoring the fact that he's standing right in front of her "Is he your boyfriend?" she asks as silently as she can in a bustling night market. I nod and check Xion to see if he'll react. "That's why you stopped coming... Are you on a diet because you're dating?" she prepares our food as she speaks, I smile at her straightforward way of talking.

As we walk away with two steaming cups Xion asks "Did you work here too?" "No, how did you get that idea?" "The lady was very friendly." "She just loves what she does, she loves her customers too, she doesn't need to know who you are to give you a pinch on the cheek." I rub my cheek as I say that. Xion looks lost in his thoughts and I don't disturb the silence. We walk side by side in the chilly evening and all I want is for it to last forever. This fake relationship.

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