Cinderella in Distress (7)

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Yuri's PoV

"Soo..." I talk to myself as I slowly make my way on the sidewalk "Why did I stay? Why do I keep doing what he wants? Why did I... Why did I drink..." I lose the track of thought, I guess I had a bit too much to drink. It's a 30-minute walk to my house from here, hopefully, the night air will sober me up. I catch my reflection on a windowsill. I can't help but giggle about the maroon dress and the necklace. I look like a lost princess. It's ridiculous how pretentious these events get.

I thought I left it all behind when I left my house but here we are. It's not the dress, or the quality food or other comforts... It's the people. The smile and greet and pretend and pretend and pretend. Xion pretends too. But watching him today had an upside at least. I noticed the way he watches people. The way he reads them so subtly and with so much finesse. The way he alters his words or the tilt of his head. The control he had over them. The control he has over me...

I touch the necklace as I keep looking at my reflection rooted to my spot. I remember the way his fingers brushed my neck when he put the necklace on. He must have picked it while I was trying on the dresses. A lonely silver rose curls beneath my fingers. I like the dress, and I love the necklace. So much more than I'd like to admit. I liked the way his hands traced my neck and... what am I thinking? It's not like that was the first time he was that close to me. He does my makeup every day. He touches my face and hair all the time. But when his face drew closer, when he leaned down to clasp the necklace I stopped breathing. How did I survive feeling his cheek next to mine? How did I survive the way he looked at me? How did I survive today?

"Yuri," I jump at the voice calling me, did I somehow summon Xion? It'd be bad if he caught me blushing. But when I turn around I come face to face with Leedo. "Didn't mean to scare you. What are you doing here?" I take him in, his bike is parked behind him and he's holding his helmet. "What are you doing here?" I imitate his deep voice and giggle at my own joke. I hear him say "Cute," under his breath, "I asked first." He shrugs, "I went to this silly party with Xion," I point to my dress "But I got tired. It was too much like my old life. So I left. Your turn." I point to him and take a step forward but my legs are shaky and I end up losing my balance. Leedo catches my arm and steadies me. "Careful. Are you feeling well?"

"Just a bit... drunk." I reply "Looks like more than a bit. Where's Xion? If you went to the party together shouldn't he be here? Did he leave you alone.." "No no no, I left. But you are playing the gaime wrong, I answered, now you banswer don't askk more questions." Oops, I think. Kinda smashed the end of that sentence.

"I was out for a delivery, my family owns a restaurant. He points to the box behind his motor. "Ooh, that reminds me, I'm gonna be late for the delivery if I don't go now. But Yuri, wait here, ok. I'll take you home." I nod quietly and he jogs to his bike. "Stay here, I'll be back in five minutes I promise." I don't want to ride on that thing again, I think. Ride. It was just so strange that Xion has such a flashy ride.

I didn't take him a show-off but maybe I was just wrong. Maybe he belongs to the world I hate so much. Maybe he pretends to everyone, to get status, to keep being rich and important. Maybe that's why he's so good at manipulating people because he pretends for a living. "That's rich coming from me." I laugh "I pretend for a living." I take a step. But I don't pretend to be important, not the way those people do. Like all that matters in the world is them and their meaningless troubles. The entitlement that makes them expect everything handed to them.

The tilt of my mother's head when she lectures me. When she tells me I am important because I'm the heir of the family. I should be a proper lady. I should be this or that but never show weakness. Never be myself. 'Laugh gently, don't look bored but don't look too excited either. Stand properly, don't fiddle with your hands. Always wear makeup, even in front of the servants, don't apologize to servants, you are their superior. Act like a lady, don't show weakness. Be serious but pleasant to talk to. Don't eat much or you'll gain weight. Don't love too much. Don't live too much...'

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