Gatherings and Feelings(6)

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Yuri's PoV

I don't know why I keep bending to Xion's will. He didn't budge even a little for all my efforts to pry out where he will take me. I tuck my shirt to the waist of my long skirt. He should have at least given me a clue so that I'd know what to wear. Sighing about it doesn't change anything unfortunately and before long my doorbell rings.

He's wearing a meticulous suit and the setting sun does wonders to his complexion. I shake my head and clear my throat to make my presence known. "I think I underdressed, wait a bit so I can change to something proper." I say "That won't be necessary," he says curtly "You look wonderful and we're going shopping in any case." The way he delivers compliments is so practiced, so casual. I shake my head at him but follow him to his car.

The Lamborghini's doors open upward and I stand rooted to the spot. Isn't he a makeup artist? "Is the flattery bonus that much?" I point to the car with my chin "How do you.." "We should get going right away if we want to be on time," he brushes me off. What are we gonna be late to, I riddle, didn't he say we would go shopping? And what's up with the way he's dressed? Not that I'm complaining but in what world do people wear suits to shopping. He knows just how to avoid talking about things. I'll make him crack, I think determinedly. I'll make him show his real face to me.

Xion's PoV

I easily pick a few dresses for Yuri to try on. For all she complains, she goes along with my will quite easily. I even get the sense she is sort of enjoying this. She looks natural in fancy dresses, comfortable. She doesn't wait for me to compliment her and instead points out the things she thinks are lacking. "A belt would look good with this," she comments "You're familiar with shopping posh?" I ask, she stops mid-twirl. "Yeah well, I used to shop a lot in places like this." I look at her expectantly, let her explain why she left her house, let her open up to me.

"Anyway I'll try the maroon dress," she turns to go but I step in front of her. I can't just let this opportunity go "I thought you were a photographer before, you live in a small apartment... I'm curious. Will you leave me hanging?" "Ok, mister overbearing, let's make a trade since you like to play games. You tell me how you got the car and I'll tell you why I'm familiar with this."

A grin escapes my lips, she sure is entertaining if not anything else. " I'm the second son of a rich family," I say tucking my hands in my pockets. "Why do you work as a makeup artist then?" she asks but I shake my head with a charming look "I answered the question, it's your turn now."

She meets my gaze headstrong. I marvel at the similarities I see to her mother. "I come from a rich family as well. I left the house when I started university. My mother finds the way I chose to live inappropriate, humiliating..." I know how that feels, I think. "She must have a hell of a high standard, I don't see anything wrong with the way you are." She turns her eyes away from me, resentment, sorrow, but not towards me. I instinctively place my hand under her chin and make her look up at me "Now, I think you should go and try that maroon dress."

I tell the clerk to send the bill to my grandpa as I wait for her to come out. She is cynical of my intentions to pay for the dress "I won't buy you a dress, you know," she says "I didn't ask for this." I simply ignore her protests because it's so darn fun to see her frustrated.


I leave the car to the valet to be parked and hold my arm out to Yuri. "Where did you bring me Xion?" she demands, the serious look on her face is quite amusing "A party of course, did you think I bought the dress so it could hide in your closet?" She frowns "Can you be serious for a second? What is this? And why did you bring me?" I turn up the charm to hundred "You'll find out in a second, just play along." and she complies once again.

"Son Dongju," I tell the guard in front of the door. He quickly checks his list and lets us in. "Your real name?" Yuri asks. I nod and watch her face as we step into the elevator to go up to the lounge. Indifference, frustration for my lack of explanation. But no realization. The name doesn't ring a bell to her. She doesn't remember and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It shouldn't matter.

A significant amount of heads turn towards us as we make our way to a table. And most of those looks aren't for me. Yuri carries the dress with a unique elegance, she looks enchanting. This was a good move. The actress Haneul walks up to our table immediately. Curiosity, envy. I smile. "Hey there Haneul. Having a good time?"

She throws me a fake smile and focuses on Yuri, here comes the moment of decision, will she be able to adopt? Yuri is a talented actress certainly but will she lose face, or will she play along? "Good enough. Will you introduce your 'friend' to me?" "Actually, Yuri is my girlfriend." Both of them simultaneously look at my face, Yuri in disbelief, Haneul to puzzle out if I'm lying or not. She can't get a reading from me of course, it's sort of pathetic that she thinks she could. I drape my arm around Yuri's waist to drive the point home, and to see how she'll react of course.

Then when Haneul has gone back to her friend group to spread the shocking news that the incorrigible player Dongju called someone 'his girlfriend', I'm left with a mad Yuri. She looks hot when she's mad. "Eye for an eye, remember?" I pull her to a secluded corner so we won't be heard. I want my plan to actually work after all.

She whispers angrily "I never agreed to you pretending to be my boyfriend in the first place, and why can't you be a normal person and ask me properly?" "Would you agree if I asked? I can ask now if that will make you more.." compliant, "..content."

"Listen to me you little rascal, I have to try so hard to not fall into your sweet little traps but I'll have you know that I have a spine. You can't drag me to wherever you want and dress me like a doll and present me to the world as your girlfriend." "Will you go then? Will you leave me?" I make a point to look as wounded as appropriate. This is a balance game, you show too much and people will think it's fake, you show too little and they'll view you like a machine. To persuade, you walk the line in the middle.

She sighs "I won't go, I'll play along tonight but you will not leave me in the dark again." Defeat, mercy, determination. I'll need to convince her the next time but I can get around that. "Thank you," I say "I'll be honest and more open with you after this, pinky promise." I catch her finger with mine as she watches with a bewildered but surrendered expression. Well, there are many ways to convince people to do what you want while being honest.

We return to the crowd and I introduce her to some people, she seems to be really going all-in on the drinking. I lock eyes with Garam from a distance, anger, arrogance, grudge. When she comes around her eyes are on Yuri as well, she is doing a fantastic job playing the part despite all her initial reservations. The pleasantries are a front as usual. "So what did you do to get the monster's heart? What does it take to tie him down?" jealousy, Yuri smiles to hide her surprise at the accusatory tone. "No one is tying him, to be honest. He can leave any moment he'd like to."She shoots me a pointed look. So she can be passive-aggressive like that, Garam looks upset.

I let my hand travel down Yuri's hair. "So what, she's special?" she asks, was I not special to you, why is it her? She wants to ask. "Yes," I dare to touch Yuri's neck with the back of the hand I have draped around her. She doesn't budge. "She's different than all the other women I know." "What could she possibly.." I interrupt "I won't have you insult her. If you want me to spell it out to you, I will. She's better than you. In every fathomable aspect." Her anger is expected but there's no way I can prepare for the slap. I kinda deserved that, I think. But there was no way I could show weakness in the relationship. "You deserved that," Yuri voices my thoughts as we watch Garam's receding back. "It was worth it," I say. "Is she the reason we are pretending.." Yuri starts saying "You know what, don't answer that. I think I've had enough of this for the day Xion-er- I mean Dongju."

She wriggles out of my arm "There are a few more people I need to talk to, give me half an hour, I can drop you at your home after that." "I'll return by myself," she asserts. Determination, fatigue. "I want to get some fresh air first." I watch her leave and it takes me a moment to realize the weird emptiness I feel. As if I lost something I've just found. 

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