The Sleeping Beauty(8)

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Yuri's PoV

I open my eyes, the sun shines bright through the cracked curtains. I look around the room, an unfamiliar football uniform hangs on the wall, in the other corner I see a collage of colorful paper there's writing on them but I can't quite make it out from the bed. Where the heck am I? my brain finally catches up. A wave of headache hits me as I sit up suddenly. I was... drunk. I remember. I went to the party with Xion then I walked home. No, I walked to Seeho's house. My eyes find the uniform again and I read 'Kim Gunhak'. Leedo! I came to his family's restaurant. That must be his real name. I jump off the bed, his mother was preparing soup for me, did I fall asleep?

In the unfamiliar corridor, I'm greeted by two small boys. Two of the same boy running around in their small uniforms, twins? Or maybe I'm simply dreaming. How much did I drink yesterday? I put two fingers in front of my face to test if I see a double of them too. But one of the boys stops and points to me "Look the princess has woken up." I look down at my dress and the boys look at me in awe "Are you a real princess?" one asks, "Can I touch your skirt?" says the other. "Good morning Yuri, did you sleep well?" I'm not dreaming at all, Leedo's mother smiles brightly at me.

I immediately bow 90 degrees. "I'm so so sorry aunty, I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. I guess I fell asleep," act like a lady, don't show weakness, I push Kang Yoonah's phantom out of my head and continue "I'm not this way normally, I hope you'll forgive me for the disturbance I caused." She touches my arm and makes me stand straight "Yuri, it's ok. It's no trouble at all. The more the merrier at the breakfast table." She holds out the folded clothes she has on her other hand. "Get changed and come down to eat alright?"


Leedo's PoV

I stretch on the sofa. I can hear the sounds of breakfast next door. Min and Hee laugh and chatter. Then I remember what happened last night. Yuri held my hand. No! She was drunk. She fell asleep here. I stand up quickly. How did I sleep through mom's cooking? There's no way upstairs from the kitchen. What if Yuri's awake as well? I need to wash my face. Do I have bed hair?

As I walk up and down the room the door swings open. "Good morning!" she sings, "Come on now, I was coming here to wake you up, we already finished breakfast," I notice Yuri waving to me from the table she's seated at "Don't just stand there, I'll need to open shop in a bit so move," mother chides. My hand goes to my hair. It's too late, she already saw me. "I'll wash my face," I say and manage a silent "Good morning," as I storm upstairs.

When I get myself together and return to the shop Yuri is playing a game with Min and Hee. I sit down and start eating wordlessly, what do you even say in a situation like this. Mom comes out of the kitchen "Do you have a boyfriend Yuri?" she asks shamelessly. It's not as if I asked her not to make any implications. "No aunty, I don't really have time to date," she replies. "I bet you'd know how much time acting takes. And before that, I was working as a photographer."

Yuri looks at me and my stomach churns. Then I notice and almost choke on the tea I'm drinking "Are you wearing my t-shirt?" "Yes, I gave her that as a change of clothes. Her dress was beautiful but I bet it wasn't all that comfortable." "Why not one of yours?" I ask before I can stop myself. "Well," she starts but Yuri steps in "It's ok Leedo, or should I call you Gunhak? She explained..Wait a second.." The way my name, my real name tumbled off her tongue reverberates in me for a second and I forget what the conversation was about.

Yuri points to the clock and asks "How much is it to the broadcast from here? Because I just noticed we might be late to work." "Oh it's only five minutes," mother says "You have plenty of time," "No," I say and turn towards her with a frown, "I asked you to wake me up early. It's 7:40 already!" "Yeah, you told me you have to be at work at 8." " Yuri can't ride the bike, so we'll walk. It's about 30 minutes Yuri," I say "We might need to run a bit."

She stands up and the way she looks with the oversize t-shirt coming down to her knees, the ridiculously cute way she looks, causes me a few seconds delay to start moving. Then we are out of the door half running and half laughing at the situation. She apologizes a couple of times and I insist that she should call me if something like this happens again.

Xion's PoV

I wait for Yuri in her dressing room. She's late, that's never happened before. She's generally early. Did she arrive home last night? Something, something close to worry trickles down my belly. Is she safe? The seconds seem like minutes as I wait. I turn the phone in my hand and touch the screen. 3 missed calls from 'Leedo'.

She arrives out of breath. "Sorry, I'm late." She says and flops down on the seat. I look at her silently. No explanation. Should I ask her why she's late? Should I ask her if she went home safe? Should I scold her? I hold out the phone I'm holding, "You forgot your phone last night," She smiles brightly as if everything is normal and takes the phone "Thank you, I was wondering where it went." I wait expectantly for her to say something more. I can't read her at all today. Not being able to read people feels like being blind. I am not able to get a grip on myself so I get a grip on the fabric of the t-shirt she's wearing instead.

Whose clothes is she wearing? Does she have a boyfriend? My mind connects the dots easily. Is she dating Leedo? "You seem distracted today," she comments "Are you feeling..." I lean down towards her and she freezes. The t-shirt has the certain smell of men's perfume.

I touch the necklace I bought for her. "Don't take this off. Wear it every day until I tell you not to." I don't know why I'm saying any of that. I plan what I say, I don't act instinctively or say random things. "You're too close." She says weakly, why was I doing this? I remove myself from her "It's Keonhee, he was passing by." I lie. "Give me a second." I leave the bewildered Yuri and knock at the door of the next room and open it without waiting for a reply. A half-naked Leedo looks at me in surprise "Hey," I say "Did you arrive just now?" 

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