Conversations (5)

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Yuri's PoV

I had no idea Leedo meant that he would ride with me to the broadcast on his motorcycle when he offered to go to work together. The first day was a nervous blur for me. I don't know whether it was my pale face or the fact that I almost straddled him to death with my tight hold that resulted in him offering to walk instead.

Now walking side by side I feel so much more at ease. "You were telling me about how you got into acting last time," I say casting a look in his direction. "Ah, yeah... It was for the good pay at first. I would get really embarrassed about some of the lines I had to say." He scratches the back of his head as if just remembering now makes him embarrassed. He looks too cute really. "One of my co-actors at the time was a seasoned actor, he would always talk about the importance of even the smallest roles. How they could mean so much to someone out there. How you could change lives with the right performance. I didn't see his point. How could a second male lead change anything? What positive effect can a line like 'Your hands look heavy let me carry them for you.' have?" I let out a big chuckle.

He looks a little offended at first but starts laughing as well "Well, I stand corrected. I can repeat my cringy lines to you if it will make you smile like that." I clasp a hand over my mouth "Is that another one of those lines?" He shakes his head in disapproval. "Anyway, I did not get his point. Until the drama was out. Until I received my first fan letter. I have a collection at home I can show you sometime.

It's hard to understand the scale of fame and how people, especially adolescents look up to famous people. There's a dark and negative side to being the center of attention of so many people but there can be so much positive about it as well. The difficult part is navigating through it and staying true to what you believe in. Do you like acting? Then try to do your best whatever role might be given to you. Every job has its difficulties and for acting, it can be saying or doing things you don't want to. But it shouldn't be any reason to dismiss a whole genre, there's so much to work with here, so many interesting aspects, depth to the characters, and the value of simple things... It teaches you new ways to view life. And if a line seems too bad you could always talk with the writers, ask to alter it to the way you're portraying the character. This is a creative process, it's ok if you interpret things differently sometimes."

Listening to Leedo's deep calm voice is soothing in a new way to me. He is open when he talks to me and that makes me feel trusted. It's the start of a new friendship and the sentiment is one of a kind. I take what he says to heart. I do have preconceptions about the romance genre and his points make sense. Maybe all it will take for my change of heart will be seeing the results of my work. And there's indeed no point in moping about something when you can make a change instead. I decide to talk to the writers about things I feel uncomfortable with as he suggests.


Leedo's PoV

As the drama shooting goes on Yuri and I keep walking to the sets. I had no idea how afraid she would be of riding my bike. I had to stifle my laughter when I saw her face and blown up hair after she stepped off. Deciding to walk was a great idea, however. Not only does she get to protect her sanity we can actually talk this way. I'd never guess I'd be thankful for a chance of conversation but time spent with her makes me think otherwise. Too often I find my gaze gravitating towards her smile, too often I wish I was the lead actor so I would work every day rather than the few days I get to see her.

Xion's PoV

Yuri shoots me a smile before sitting down on the chair in front of me. Just like with anyone else, I ask her the right questions, give her the right answers... People say that I'm a good listener and some would say I'm a sweet-talker but truthfully I listen as long as it serves me.

Yuri turns her eyes up to look at me, bold, curious, open like a book. She can be very contradicting. She blushes for the slightest things I say but then has the courage to stare at me like that.

I finish her makeup and she makes to stand up. I whip out the candy I had prepared for her from my apron's pocket. She narrows her eyes "How did you know I love strawberry lollipops? It's my favorite brand too..." "Just a gut feeling," I lie. "I'm good at reading people" she takes the candy after a few more seconds of contemplation. She's still the same person.

If I'm honest, it annoyed me a lot that she didn't recognize me. I knew who she was the moment I saw her. I tell myself that it doesn't matter but that's not enough to stop me from seeking retribution. Besides getting a rise out of her is quite entertaining. "So now we're even for the dinner, " I smile cheekily, older women usually love it when I'm a brat. She knits her brows and with the lollipop in her mouth, she looks adorable. "No chance," she berates me "That's not how this works, you're the one who said it's an eye for an eye." "You accept those terms then," "I never said.." I cut her off "Let's meet this weekend, I'll pick you up from your place."

"Sure," she says "Will you buy me dinner?" I shrug and she takes a few steps to get out of her dressing room. I catch her arm and pull her towards myself.

She goes stiff, again how contradictory, you would think she'd be fine with just a hug. "What are you doing?" she hisses "Just go along," I whisper, "Keonhee is watching," So my show was not enough to convince him that I'm dating her. I cup Yuri's face and make her look up at me, she looks angry, confused, embarrassed. I lean forward so from where Keonhee's standing it will look as if we are kissing. But before that, I don't miss the chance to meet his eyes in the distance. 

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