Eye for an Eye (3)

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Leedo's PoV

As we talk we notice that we live in the same neighborhood "We can go to the broadcast together on the days we both work?" I offer, my scenes are mainly with her in any case. She accepts. There's something about her that makes me more open, maybe it's her disarming smile or easygoing personality I can't exactly point out what it is that makes me speak so easily about myself.

We walk to the broadcast since we are near. She links her hands behind her back, her long skirt billows slightly in the wind. "If it's ok can I ask you why you didn't take projects like this?" "I think I'm a bit of a perfectionist. It always felt like a waste of effort to act in a cheesy drama... As if I would be selling myself for a cheap..." She suddenly stops in her tracks and turns to me with wide eyes "Oh my, I didn't mean to offend you. I... was a bit too honest I suppose." I shake my head "It's alright, I understand where you are coming from. But there's beauty in acting in cheesy romance dramas too, you know. I can tell you what I like about this if you'd like?" She nods apologetically.

"I didn't become an actor by my own volition, to begin with. I always imagined I would be a famous football player. But I got injured in the final year of high school. I guess that injury was part of my fate, I feel grateful about it now because I got scouted in the hospital. My family was in a financially hard position so I started modeling as soon as I got better. Then one day I got an offer for a drama. A cheesy romance drama if you will... I was reluctant at first but the pay was so much better than the modeling jobs I was doing. So I signed the contract." She looks immersed in the story, I point to the building across the street "We are here," I say with a smile "I guess I'll need to continue later."

Yuri's PoV

Shooting with Leedo is more fun than I initially expected. I can't say the same for Ravn however, he's constantly grumpy about one thing or the other and I have to grit my teeth to keep myself from saying something mean. As I'm whining to myself in my dressing room about the condescending way he talked about my posture for the scene we just shot I jump with someone clearing their throat behind me. Xion holds up his makeup kit with a lopsided grin. "If you get caught whining about him he will get more grumpy with you. I'd keep my lips sealed if I were you." "Well, he's such a pain in the ass tho. I understand he's trying to put in good work but doesn't he know how to talk to humans? Does he always have to sound like he's trying to pick a fight?" "He might have a rough way with words but he's actually a good person, it took me some time to get used to him." He sounds sincere the way he talks about Ravn, I guess he would know him better than me since he's his makeup artist. "He's trying. Trying to be a better man." As he retouches my eyebrows. When I open my eyes he's wearing a cheerful but artificial face. I'd prefer it if he was honest with how he feels about things, it makes me wary of him to see him slip in and out of calculated fronts.

"Well, now you'll owe me to keep my lips sealed." He smiles "I can easily snitch on you," "Hey what about the dinner I paid for? I'd say we are more than even." He pushes my forehead back with his index finger as if I'm some kid he can bully-as if I'm some kid he really enjoys bullying. "It doesn't work that way, an eye for an eye. You should pay in kind, and well, I will buy you dinner sometime if I feel like it." He leaves the room as I complain to myself "What, will I need to act like your girlfriend to save your neck then?" At that moment I have no way of knowing how true that will be in retrospect. 

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