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I held onto my phone tightly as I heard Luke talking to me through my right ear. 

“So you really think that Mr. is going to give us a bad grade because I messed up one line of code Y/N?” He had asked slightly seductively, his voice low as he questioned me.

“Yeah.” I responded dryly, but it was only because I was really tired and felt like I was going to fall asleep. 

“Y’know, I’m actually pretty good at finessing the teachers.” He yawned, making me yawn as well. 

“I’m sure, that’s why he yelled at you on the first day.” I said, rolling my eyes, even though I knew he couldn’t see it. 

“That’s true.” He responded dryly, making me wonder if I should throw the hint that we should both go to sleep. School would start back up tomorrow, and if things didn’t go all that well with the teacher and the project, then we would need Luke to do some of his finessing. 

“Hey, how about we go to sleep?” I asked softly, my eyes staring blanky at my screen that watched the seconds tick by. 

5:27:19 it read.

“Yeah, that’s actually a really good idea. My brain is still very tired from all that coding we did last night.” He had said. I could hear the rustling of what sounded to be his sheets or something.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” 

“For sure, ba- bro.” He said before yawning again.

Did I really hear that, or was I hallucinating.

“Okay, goodnight babes.” I said intentionally to see what he would say. 

“Goodnight to you too babes.” He said, I could hear the smile in his voice before he hung up a second after. 

I held my phone to my chest, the light fading away as I smiled. The warmth of my phone reminded me of our long hug yesterday.


Did she really say that? 

And did I really say that?!

I just called Y/n “babes”.

I shut off my phone, making my room go dark before plugging it into the charger that was on my nightstand. 

Well we’ll have to see tomorrow what is really going on with Y/n. 

Besides it was probably the sleep deprivation talking, unlike me.


I woke up earlier than I had expected, but I soon realized that the sound wasn’t my alarm but it was my ringtone. 

I squinted at the bright light since it was still dark outside. 

When my eyes finally focused, I looked at the caller ID to find out that it was Luke calling. 

"What do you want." I said almost demanding, my temper getting shorter as the seconds passed. 

"I just wanted to know if you had my contact available to reach you through the do not disturb." He said confidently. 

"Well not from now." I said quickly before hanging up. 

I looked at the time on the top of the screen.


'What is he doing?'

'Shouldn't he be sleeping?'

'Is it my fault he's awake?'

These thoughts swam around in my brain before quickly tiring me out and making me fall back asleep. 


I had texted Nick to tell him that it worked, but unfortunately he didn't respond to which I figured was because it was so late. 

'Maybe I should go to sleep now, I have to leave the house in 4 hours anyways.' I thought to myself before I plugged in my phone. 


The sound of everyone's chatter in the halls filled the silence of questions that filled my mind as I walked to my locker. 

My dirty converse's tapping on the tile with every step I took, reminding me of that one time when Luke and I were walking around the mall. 

'Fuck can I stop thinking about him for a minute?'

I unlocked my locker to find a note that was slipped inside. 

My god what is this? High school musical?

I rolled my eyes before grabbing the books out of my locker, but the paper slipped off of one of the books and at the feet of Nick's feet. 

"Woah what is this?" He asked, carefully picking up the paper and handing it to me. 

"I don't know I found it in my locker." I said tiredly. 

"Oh, what does it say?"

"I don't know, should I read it?"

"I mean…"

"You never know, it's like accepting an air drop from the auspicious name of 'iPhone', y'know?"


"Whatever I'll just do it."

With that I unfolded the thin sheet of binder paper that had four sections on it. 

Meet me in the stairwell to your left. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" Nick said sounding slightly concerned, his lips pressed to a thin line. 

"Nah I'm sure I'll be fine." I nodded for reassurance. 

"Alright, just scream. I'll be standing right here." He said, before leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed. 

"Man, you are really getting into this whole thought of this being a movie." I said, laughing at his pose. 

𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙 | Punz x readerWhere stories live. Discover now