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"Y/n. Y/n wake up." I heard Luke say softly as he shook me awake. Opening my eyes, I could see everyone filing out of the movie theater, the sound of footsteps muffled by the carpet pulling my mind back to reality.

"Oh my god I am so sorry Luke-" I said, starting my apology as I watched him stand up from his chair.

"Nah, it's okay. Don't worry about it." He said with a smile, before taking my trash from the ground and walking down the row of chairs to the stairway on the end of it.

"Oh- kay." I said skeptical, before catching sight of Corey and Nick standing in line to get out of the theater. Their hands linked, and smiles covering their faces.

Quickly, I got up from my chair to join Luke's side to make sure that we all would meet before walking around the mall for a little while.

"Thanks for waking me up." I said finally after standing in an awkward silence with Luke before we exited out of the door back to the main waiting area of the movie theater.

"Yeah, for sure. Wouldn't want my friends seeing their date asleep y'know?" He said before waving to Corey and Nick.

"Wait- huh?" I said, kind of confused.

"You heard what I said." He smirked, a light blush forming on my face as I tried to play it off by rolling my eyes. "You're red by the way." He warned as we got closer to the other two.

"Yeah, I know. I think it would be nice for you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Time for you to finally get the attention you deserve, but from me." I said biting back. "You'll see soon." I said before Corey and Nick could hear us talking.

"Oooooh what did you say Luke?" Nick asked, trying to hide his excitement for his friend as he noticed how red my face was.

"Huh?" Luke asked, genuinely confused.

"She's literally blushing you idiot." He said shaking his head in annoyance of his friend not being able to see the signs.

Putting my interlaced fingers on his shoulder, I tippy toed and whispered in his ear, "I told you didn't I."

"I guess you were right." He said after turning his head to look at me, our faces only inches apart.

"Alright, can you guys cut it out already?" Nick said, slightly concerned.

"Yeah, Y/n you never told me about having such a great interest in him." Corey said, slightly concerned as well.

"Yeah, because I don't?" I replied flatly, the smile dissipating from my face.

It was a lie.

I did, but how could I be so sure?

I looked over at him, the smile also gone from his face. His former crystal clear eyes now filled with cloudiness and confusion. Trying his best to not make eye contact.

"Alright..." I heard Nick say, "How about we go home? We can hang out another time. It's getting late." He suggested, which all of us agreed to.

The walk to the parking lot was silent except for the casual questions that would come up between Corey and Nick. I had looked at Luke a few times, but his face was blank. After a while, I decided I would finally tell him what I actually meant.

Pulling out my phone to do so, I opened up our text message and the first thing I saw was the meme that he sent me when he had first given me his number which made me smile.

After saving it and editing it slightly to make the words different, I sent it to him.

It had almost seemed as if he had been waiting for something to distract him when he had received the notification that someone texted him.

However, I noticed that when he had pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen his expression went back to how it was before.

So I sent him another text "just look at it please?"

And with a light sigh, I watched him open our messages and a smile started to form on his face before he looked at me.

That was when we had started laughing like hyenas once again. Except this time it was worse because of my sloppy editing and trying my best to block out the words, when really all it did was make it harder to read.

Corey and Nick had only looked back for a second before walking off without us. The teenagers that traversed the mall late at night watching us like we were lunatics.

After a while we were able to finally catch our breaths and finally talk, Luke starting off this conversation.

"What was that all about anyways?"

"Well you looked sad, so I wanted to find a way to make you laugh." I said, trying my best to ease our way into the conversation.

"I'm not sad Y/n."

"Yeah right." I replied with a smirk.


Her smile and eyes were so bright which made me smile almost instantly. She was one of a kind for sure, but I knew I had to find a way to win over her heart.

𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙 | Punz x readerWhere stories live. Discover now