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"Alright you guys have three minutes left in class. You can start packing up your stuff." The teacher said tiredly, the shuffling of backpacks and zippers heard throughout the classroom with that cue. "I want you guys out of here." The teacher sighed softly, the girl in front of Luke chuckling at what she had heard.

"So Luke," The girl behind him started, her voice sounding irritated. "What classes do you have this year?" She asked while chewing her gum quite loudly.

"Uh..." He dragged on, not wanting to know what classes she had with him. But soon the bell had rung, making him quietly sigh with relief. "We'll see." He said quickly before putting his backpack over his shoulders and heading on over to his locker.

The halls were quite crowded, but luckily he was tall enough to see over most of the people and catching sight of his friend near their lockers in the process.

Moving as fast as he could, he pushed his way through the crowd slowly and was finally able to make it.

"Hey, dude what's up? How was your first class?" Nick asked as he carefully twisted the knob on his lock.

"It was terrible. I have Brianna in my class." Luke said rolling his eyes.

"Damn that is terrible." Nick sighed in disbelief, but also in understanding of knowing how Luke felt after having Brianna in all of his classes for the first semester last year.

After seeing Nick unlocking his locker, he remembered he probably would need a tablet for his next period, so he started unlocking his locker when he noticed two significantly smaller feet next to his. They were also wearing the same shoes, just in a different color.

"Hey, nice shoes." He said genuinely, but when he didn't get a response he looked up from his lock.

"Luke right?" She asked slightly annoyed at the lock on her locker.

"Yeah, and you are?"


"Cool, you need help with that there?" He asked confused, taking note of her frustration as she tried to unlock her lock.

"Nah I got it." She responded.

"Alright." He said grabbing the tablet out of his locker and slipping it into his empty bag. "Just know that you have to push the lock together and then unlock it." He suggested as he closed his locker.

Skeptical, she tried her method a few more times before doing as he said, pushing the lock together and doing the code.

Before she knew it, the lock had popped open making him nod with a proud smile forming on his face.

"Thanks." She said, her eyes meeting his gaze.

"Of course. By the way this is Nick." Luke said as he pointed to the shorter boy next to him. Nick waved with a smile at the smaller girl making her smile slightly as well.

"Cool, you got English next?" She had asked trying to pass the time for now, since her class wasn't too far from their lockers.

"Yeah how'd you know?"

"Just a wild guess." She shrugged before heading the opposite way. The smile and confusion on his face fading as he watched her walk into the pre-calculus class.

"Wow she's smart." Nick shrugged before the bell sounded, leaving Luke and his thoughts to swim in his brain.

𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙 | Punz x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat