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are you here yet?

almost, I'll meet you by

your locker?

sounds good, also I

have an interesting story

to tell you

okay now you're making

me walk a little faster



"Hey, Y/n!" I heard from where my locker was, making me look up from my phone quickly. The smile on my face slowly faded away as I saw who it was.

"Oh hey, Luke." I said, trying not to make it seem as if I was disappointed that I had to see him so early in the morning.

"Hey can I get your number?" He asked politely, his eyes locked onto mine as he spoke.

"Is this for Nick?" I asked annoyed, rolling my eyes in the process which made him look away, just wishing that Nick could figure out how to get together with Corey by himself.

"Yeah." Luke said, slightly scared.

"Alright, fine. (XXX)XXX-XXXX."

"Thanks." He said as he typed it in and quickly sent me a meme.

"What the f-" I said as I clicked on the notification, making me burst into laughter.

"What?!" He said laughing with me.

"That was so unexpected." I said trying to catch my breath, both of us leaning against the lockers for support, everything looking a little more blurry than usual as tears started to form in my eyes, but not daring to escape.

"Okay, take a deep breath." He said, his laughter starting to die down.

"Okay." I said, following him. Especially after seeing the dirty looks that the people passing gave us. Taking deep breaths just as he said until I heard a ping come from my phone. Looking down I read the notification, and that it was from Corey. But as it went back up, the meme was on my screen making me laugh once again.

"Dude stop!" Luke said, trying to withhold his laugh, but of course it didn't work. Just the two of cackling away.

We could hear footsteps heading our way, making us suppress our laughter for the time being. Well at least we had tried, some giggles and chuckles managed to slip out of our mouths but we managed to keep ourselves from laughing. Looking up we could see Corey and Nick heading our way. The two of them looked flustered, but neither of them said anything.

That was when Nick pulled out his phone and texted something to Luke. But as they did their own thing, Corey pulled me over to the side.

"I'm guessing he said something huh?" I questioned, trying to hide the smirk I had on my face even though I knew Nick had asked her out.

I already tried convincing him, and apparently it worked.

"He asked me out?!" Corey exclaimed in a whisper, a slight pang of nervousness heard in her voice.

"YESSS GIRL LETS GOOO." I said loudly, making her grab my arm in efforts to quiet me down since Nick and Luke were looking at us.

"Shhhh be quiet!" She said holding back a laugh, looking over at Nick who was clearly excited.


"Thank God you finally did it dude." I said with a sigh of relief, my back slowly sliding down the lockers.

"Are you kidding me? Just know it wasn't you who made me want to ask Corey out by the way." He said sassily as he opened his locker.


"Yeah it was Y/n." He shrugged with a smirk plastered on his face making me roll my eyes.

That's when I heard her yelling at Corey about how hyped she was, making Nick and I both look their way.

And just for a second, our gazes connected, making me smile once again, passion found in the glow of her eyes as the two girls laughed together.

I had smiled not only because of her, but the way that her eyes held so much expression.



And how they glow,

Almost like...

An angel.

𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙 | Punz x readerWhere stories live. Discover now