"I told you girl. He's the one."

"Cheers to that." I said taking a sip of the red wine Kayla poured me. We continued to laugh and chat it up. Me and my cousin could literally pass for sisters, and whenever we go places people normally assume that we were. I loved it because I had no siblings of my own and we grew up together so yea, I really love this bitch.

"Cuz I think you need to see this." Kayla said staring on her phone with an unsatisfied countenance.

"Let me go use the bathroom first give me a sec."

"No you need to see this."

"Damn bitch it can't wait?" I asked walking over to her and snatching the phone from her hand."

"I literally just opened my instagram and..."

"This is how boujee niggas wanna be but don't want to take care of their kids. Men are dogs!!!"

I could not believe my fucking eyes. I immediately tossed the phone on Kayla's lap and walked away.

"I'm done."

"Leanna!" Kayla shouted at me.

"I need to get my head right Kayla."

"A child are you serious Tyrese?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"What are you talking about Leanna?"

"Just tell me the truth Tyrese." I demanded loudly.

"I don't want us to talk about this over the phone Leanna? I'm coming to you."

"So that means it's true then, fuck I should've known. Ofcourse you were too good to be true."

"It's not like that Leanna."

"How is it then, tell me Tye? You lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you. Let me come see you please babe, where are you?"

"Don't even bother. I don't want to see you. I can't believe you Tyrese. You're a fucking liar. No puedo creer que confié en ti."

"I saw you Tyrese and I saw that child. How could you hide this from me? How could you?"

"I know you're upset Leanna but I promise it's not what it looks like."

"All this time. After everything that you know I've been through. I literally opened up myself to you Tyrese in every way and you kept this from me? Why?"

"Stop crying babe. I told you it's not what it looks like. I'm on my way over to you now ok."

"You'll be wasting your time because I'm not home. I can't believe I trusted you." I said while ending the call.

How Could he do this to me? Me and my stupid heart. Falling so madly inlove with this god of a man. I'm so stupid I should've known. I don't even know what to think right now. We've been together for months now and he has never brought this up.

I instantly woke up to the sound of Kayla's voice.

"Lea" She said touching my forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. What time is it?"

"It's a few minutes to 10oclock. You've been sleeping for a while now."

"I didn't even notice that I had knocked out." I tapped my phone screen seeing that I had over twelve missed calls from Tyrese. I hissed angrily and flung the phone down.

"Cuz I need a drink."

"Girl what you need is some food, and I have something to tell you but please dont be mad at me."

Youngsters UnmaskedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora