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Today is the day for ice skating and Ross and Roman couldn't be more excited as they hadn't skated for about 2 weeks and were desperate to get on the ice.

Ross decided to help Rosie out by getting Roman ready.

He run a bath for Roman and helped him wash his hair and then they walked into the closet.

Ross grabbed Roman's jumper it was a blue jumper with white stripes on it and a pair of black joggers.

Ross wore a yellow jumper with black skinny jeans and went over and made breakfast for everyone.

Roman was cuddled up in his blankets watching the TV.

Ross finished making the food and walked over to Jaz and decided to wake her up first.

He kissed her head and said "good morning baby" and she started waking up.

After they had all ate breakfast and gotten ready they met in the lobby of the hotel.

They decided to get Ubers to go there because it's too far to walk.

It was quite a big Uber where you can get 8 passengers in so Ross, Roman, Jaz and Rosie sat on one side and then Kiernan, Gavin, Lili and Cole sat facing them.

KJ, Cami and the rest of the cast were also sharing Ubers.

Ross and Roman brought their own ice skates as well as all the other sporty things they took.

Once they got there they got out and they had booked the ice skating rink for themselves so nobody else was there.

Rosie skates to the end of the rink and KJ and Roman were going to race.

Rosie was filming it to put on Instagram.

Roman was really fast and KJ not being as skilled as a skater fell a few times.

As you guessed it Roman won the race and Rosie put the video on Instagram and caption it: TV Uncle vs TV Nephew.

Ross picked Roman up and put him on his shoulders and started skating around as Roman giggled as they sped around.

Their session was coming to the end so they walked into the lockers and put there how's back on with Ross carrying his and Romans shoes.

They decided since it was a free day that they would explore a bit so they were walking around with Roman on Cole's shoulders and everybody talking they walked into the touristy shops they had along the streets.

They walked in and Ross found something he was going to get both of his sisters and his mom.

They were eating with an R on either side with diamonds on and for his mom they were S'.

Ross thought they were perfect for them and bought them and hid them in his pockets so he could give them all it when they came home.

"Just so you guys know we have an interview in an hour and 30 minutes" KJ mentioned.

"Wait what I'm not dressed for an interview" said the girls as they were all in tracksuits and they liked to look good for the interviews.

"Well how about yous head back to the hotel and get ready will the boys and I look around a bit more" Casey said.

Casey, KJ, Cole, Gavin, Ross, Roman and Chance all started walking down the little streets trying to find a place to look at when they came across this bridge and it looked beautiful.

Ross got a picture with Roman on the bridge and sent it to his sister and saved it as his Lock Screen.

"Ok we better head back to the hotel so we will make it on time" Chance said as they started to walk back.

"Uncle Ross, I'm tired" Roman said so Ross picked him up and Roman wrapped his legs round Ross' waist and lay his head on Ross' shoulder.

"Go to sleep little bear" Ross said.

When they arrived at the hotel, the girls were ready and were waiting for them in the lobby.

They decided to get an Uber to the building for the interview.

When they got there, there wasn't much seating for the 12 of them, just one couch.

So there was the girls and Ross, with Roman in his lap, sitting on the couch and the rest of the boy sitting on the back of the couch with their legs behind the girls and Ross' backs.

"Hi nice to meet you all" The interviewers said whose names were Caiden and Olivia.

"So first off I would like to ask you how it feels to be away from home." Olivia asked.

"It's definitely tough, not being able to see my other siblings and my parents and it has been especially hard for me for the other half of my job which is music because I'm a duo and my brother is in L.A." Ross responded

"Yeah that's probably the biggest thing- everybody misses their family even though we haven't been away long" Madelaine

"So would any of you like to be parents" Caiden asked.

"And Rosie would you like to have more" Olivia said.

"I definitely want more and I know Roman is happy about that since he really wants a sibling or a cousin" Rosie said and as she said cousin she looked at Ross and then at Jaz.

"I also really want to be a father, I guess me and Rosie have grown up around a lot of kids, most of our cousins are younger the ones closest to us are 16, 15, 13 and 11 so we have babysat them before when we were younger. Also saying Rosie have Roman and I've always been around him and the relationship I have with him is what I would want to have with my son or daughter" Ross said

"I've always wanted kids I just don't know when" KJ said.

"I love kids they're just not on my radar at the moment" Cole said with Lili agreeing with him.

"There's also another thing I'd like to ask about you Ross" Olivia said

"Go ahead" Ross responded

"Why did you get that specific tattoo" She asked

"We'll it's definitely a family thing, the bear representing Roman and the roses at the bottom for Rosie but also- I just thought of this the little trees at the top could represent where I was born, in Colorado since there are loads of trees and me and my family have a cabin so that's near the trees" Ross said.

"That is really cute" Olivia said as the girls awwed .

"Ok is there a chance for a Sabrina Riverdale Crossover" Caiden asked

"I think there probably will be one in the future" Cami said.

"Yeah we work in the same set and we are around eachother all the time" Jaz added

"Yeah and Roberto is the creator for both" Chance said

"So I think there is a high possibility" Kiernan finished.

"Ok now this is for Roman" Caiden said as Ross put a microphone Infront of the boys face.

"Would you like a little brother or a little sister if you do how many" Caiden asked

"I want 3 brothers and 3 sisters" Roman said and he showed 3 fingers and Rosie chuckled.

"Well I guess Roman wants 6 siblings so then Rosie would beat my mom with 7 kids as she had 6." Ross said and started tickling Roman.

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