Skye informs as she starts to walk away from the police station, knowing fully well that Melinda didn't walk all this way, there is a SUV there somewhere. She can hear that Melinda is following her. Her eyes lands on one of the SUV's that belongs to 616 and she stands beside it. She can see that Melinda has more questions but at least she is keeping silent.

"Well, they have managed to arrest Miles."

Melinda informs making Skye look at her out of surprise, she didn't expect Melinda to tell her this information. Nodding her head, Skye is happy that she at least has an alibi to where she was when all of this went down. Melinda unlocks the SUV and Skye enters, getting ready for yet another long ride in silence.

Reaching the BUS, Coulson was there waiting for them, angry about what has been going down. Before Skye has a chance to tell him something, Melinda speaks up.

"She was called to the police station, I saw and heard it all. She wasn't close to Miles."

She informs Coulson, and Skye isn't the only one that looks at Melinda with surprise. It takes Coulson a few seconds to collect himself before he finally nods his head. Accepting the information, he is being given for now. But Skye knows he will want a much longer conversation later, and Melinda too. For now, the need to deal with Miles and since she wasn't involved with him trying to escape, Coulson isn't against her trying to help. And when she is being placed in front of Miles and the hacker looks at her with hate and anger, well there is nothing that can bind Skye to the Rising Tide member anymore.

They didn't reached Chan in time, at least they are a step closer to figuring out what Centipede is. And thanks to the information Skye managed to get out of Miles system, they have more to go on. Watching as Coulson sends Miles of the BUS, with a new shinny bracelet, Skye can only hope she won't end up with one herself. Seeing Coulson turn to look at her, she knows it's her turn.


She says before Coulson has a chance to give the order, and seeing that Coulson nods his head, she turns and heads for his office, reaching for the second time that day, she finds herself once more standing in front of Coulson's desk, with him sitting behind it. In this moment, she tries to figure out if she should just come clean, but the look in his eyes, makes Skye question if he will even listen to her properly. Taking in a deep breath, she pulls out the memory card she hides away during their first mission together, placing it on Coulson's desk.

"What is this?"

"Everything I have."

"On us?"

"On me, why I started hacking, why I thought getting S.H.I.E.L.D's attention would do me good. I didn't expect another part of my past would decide to come knocking today."

She explains as Coulson takes the memory card and place it in his computer to read what is on it. Skye watches him closely as he reaches the redacted file that is Skye's past. A file that Coulson has seen completely. The one in front of him now, hiding out information he should know. But there is no change in his eyes or behaviour and Skye starts to wonder how much the T.A.H.I.T.I program took of his memory.

"You are friends with Ghost-Spider."

Coulson asks when he reaches that part and Skye nods her head.

"Yes, but it's no use you ask who is hiding under the mask, even if I knew, I wouldn't break the trust. We know she is innocent; we have seen what went down that day. The team decided that I would be the best one to handle if she were to be arrested, but I still need to report back to the team. This time around I made Ghost do it herself because agent May was waiting for me outside of the police station."

Skye informs, keeping her eyes locked on Coulson as she informs him. She can see that the older man in is going through everything he has learned and finally he lets out a sigh.

"You can leave."

He tells her and Skye nods her head. Knowing he will need time to think it all over, so does she. As she reaches his office door however, her phone starts to ring. Pulling it out, she sees that it's Maria and she answer, feeling Coulson's eyes on her.

"I take it Ghost contacted you."

Is the only thing Skye says as she answers the call, opening the door to Coulson's office and walks out.

"Yes, I'm surprised she called herself and not you."

"Well, it was for the best. We had an angry looking agent May in front of us so."

Skye replies in a low voice, heading for the bathroom so she can talk without anyone listening.


"Her secret is safe, and neither Coulson nor Melinda has yet to figure out what is going on."

Skye informs, leaning her back towards the bathroom door, eyes closing.

"If they haven't figured out within the week, I will come and tell them myself what is going on."

Maria says, making Skye open her eyes.

"NO! Just, let me handle this. Everything will be fine, I just need to be more careful, that's all. And if you or Natasha can help with keeping a closer eye on Gwen for a while it would help out a lot more. And Captain Stacy too, I'm quite sure he hates me now since I helped the woman who killed his daughter's best friend."

Skye tells Maria with a deep sigh; how can once life take such a twist in no time?

"I will, just, be careful. Neither of us wants to see you hurt or heartbroken sweetheart."

Maria tells her, making Skye smile.

"I know, I'll talk to you later Ria."

She tells her sister before ending the call. She can't hide in the bathroom forever after all.

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